- Publisher: Lulu
- Edition: First Edition
- Available in: Perfect-bound Paperback
- ISBN: 9781471618185
- Published: 20th May 2012
Rather than just an autobiography, “Into His Hands” is the story of a spiritual journey travelled by Arthur & Rosalind Eedle, first alone, and then together, covering 80 years. The authors share the way in which the Lord has touched their lives. They also include many personal photographs in order to make their testimony come alive. In 1967 they yielded themselves “Into His Hands” as a response to a call, and from that time the Lord has been dealing with them in a much deeper way. The result has been to open their eyes to the amazing lovingkindness of the Father, and deepen their knowledge of the Lord Jesus experientially, whilst at the same time opening their eyes to the latent sinful propensities of their fallen natures. They recognise that each man’s story is uniquely his own, but hope that their journey may help others experiencing trials to gain comfort and strength.