Although my wife, Rosalind, died in January 2014, I shall continue to write this statement as though she were still here, because most of the material presented on our website has been presented in the years from 1986 to the present, and she was an integral part of all that we posted.
We have been evangelical Christians for nearly sixty years, and rejoice in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we worship as the Son of God, Emmanuel, only-begotten Son of His Father.
We believe in God as manifested in Three Persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe it is correct to refer to each member of the Godhead as truly God, but do not confuse the Titles. The Father is not the Son, neither is the Son the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Trinity of Members within the Godhead is the Keystone of the doctrinal arch, without which the whole fabric of Scriptural doctrine crumbles to pieces.
We believe in the authority of the Bible, as it appears in the original languages of Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek. We are glad to be able to compare different translations, and obtain much encouragement from the sterling work of translators. However, we use the original languages in our studies, and are prepared to offer new insights on Biblical passages as a result of in-depth word studies.
We believe in the communion of all true believers, and rejoice to have fellowship, not only with those who live near to us, but also with all those who share with us across the cyberspace of modern technology. We recognise that we are travelling, and have not arrived, and treat other believers on that same basis. We realise that we cannot always agree on everything, but that we have a mandate to share and also to be teachable.
We believe in the present-day operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but are cautious as to their usage, having been greatly disturbed by the excesses found within Charismatic groups today, which emanate from the flesh rather than the spirit. We have experienced limited use of such gifts as healing, speaking in tongues, prophecy, and discernment, but believe that our main task is in teaching, expounding the Scriptures, which the Lord has confirmed to us on several occasions over the years.
We believe in the Lord’s Total Victory at Calvary. We believe that He died for all, and in the progress of the coming ages, He will see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied, as gradually all men will voluntarily bow their knee to Him in humble adoration. We do not believe that the opportunity to believe ceases at the moment of death. We believe that the will of God is for Ultimate Reconciliation of all He has created, whether they are earthly or heavenly in origin. We fight shy of calling ourselves Universalists, because many have espoused that title whilst at the same time denying the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in Hell but not that it lasts forever. We believe that all will be judged according to their works, whether those of the church or the world. Believers who persist in the works of the flesh (wood, hay and stubble) will experience loss. Unbelievers and God-haters will find themselves undergoing rigorous confrontation and purging in the afterlife. The concept of hell-fire is a very graphic symbol to explain the intensity of their self-inflicted torment as they begin to realise the futility of their waywardness and rejection of Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life. But such experiences can never be “everlasting”. They persist until they have done their purgative and reclamatory work.
We believe the Bible teaches that God has been taking out a “faithful remnant” throughout the 6,000 years of human history. This remnant will become the Bride of Christ in resurrection, and will then act as God’s evangelistic ambassadors towards the rest of the world during the time described as the Millennium. This may be seen as the means whereby the Lord’s Prayer may be fulfilled, so that His Kingdom will come, and His will be done on earth as in heaven.
Statements of belief are of necessity brief. If we have not explained ourselves adequately on any point, please write and ask. We are always ready to share with others those things which we surely believe.
Arthur Eedle. Updated May 2014.