An investigation into Biblical Chronology based on a pattern of Eight Millennia of Human History. [Read more…]
1. The Background
Over half a century ago I had the privilege of spending a most pleasant couple of hours with a man I admired deeply for his Biblical learning. It was a sunny summer’s afternoon, and we sat in the garden of his Devonshire home, talking about his brief chronological thesis, then recently published. [Read more…]
2. The Diatonic Scale
The pattern of the Week, introduced by the Lord at the beginning of His works, is repetitive. Each complete week is followed by another. Whether we like it or not, the pattern of seven cannot be held to be the ultimate pattern or design, even though the number seven is undoubtedly connected with spiritual perfection. But those who study numbers tell us that eight is the number of resurrection and a new beginning. Let’s see whether another analogy may be helpful here. [Read more…]
3. Circumcision
In Genesis 17 God seals an important covenant with Abraham. “This is my covenant, which you shall keep . . . every man child among you shall be circumcised. . . . He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man-child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or any stranger not of your seed. . . . He that is not circumcised shall be cut off from his people; he has broken the covenant.” (Verses 10 – 14) [Read more…]
4. The Last Day
We have just seen the strong emphasis that was placed on the celebrations held on the last day of Tabernacles. In John’s Gospel that day was called “the last day, the great day of the feast.” In this chapter we shall have to look more closely at the expression“the last day.” [Read more…]
5. Firstfruits
We have by no means exhausted our enquiry into the Biblical significance of the number eight. In this chapter we focus our attention on the subject of firstfruits. [Read more…]
6. Leprosy
In the days of the Old Testament leprosy was considered to be the worst of maladies. It was so contagious that sufferers were required to call out “Unclean! Unclean!” if they were walking amongst people in crowded places. Sometimes leper colonies were created where sufferers were able to share a miserable existence amongst fellow-lepers, and where food was let down to them on the end of a rope from collections made by those who cared. A scene depicting this was graphically shown in the film Ben Hur. [Read more…]
7. The Epistle of Barnabas
To conclude our studies on the number eight we shall turn to a letter written in the early days of Christianity, and which is known as “The Epistle of Barnabas”. It is by no means clear who actually wrote the letter, but the author wanted to use Barnabas’s name. And it is of no concern to us in respect of the authenticity of the letter, or the teaching contained within it. However, it is interesting to read, and helpful to those who wish to make a study of early Christian thought. [Read more…]
8. The Sabbath Day
“What that means is, that He is going to bring the world to an end in six thousand years, since with Him one day means a thousand years.” (Epistle of Barnabas) [Read more…]
9. Entering God’s Rest
One of the first intimations that the Sabbath was a type of the Millennium, the seventh day Rest, is found in Psalm 95. The Psalm is divided into two parts. [Read more…]