Have you noticed in the last few years how militant certain groups are becoming? Take for example the so-called “gay lobby”. Ever since the law has allowed homosexual behaviour (just 50 years ago) there has been a growing pressure from activists, not only to try to make their position acceptable to the public, but more recently to bludgeon their way into life so forcibly that there is a danger of them becoming a dominant force in the world. Whereas they represent less than 1% of the public, they are forcing legislation through Parliament (in the U.K.) which, if ratified, would for example cause Christian Guest Houses to be shut down if they refused a double bed for the night to two practising homosexuals. This is just one of the danger areas which we have had to present to our M.P. prior to the reading of the Equality Act 2006, which contains “Sexual Orientations Regulations.” [Read more…]
18. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
A short while ago I wrote about Cancer being a “deficiency disease”. I would now like to take this a stage further and refer to another modern complaint, known as Repetitive Strain Injury, or RSI for short. It is a condition that afflicts a large number of people, rendering them unable to operate fully and effectively with their hands. Let me explain by referring to personal examples in our own family. [Read more…]
15. Cancer – A Personal Testimony
Arthur writes – A few years ago I found a sore growing on my right ear that would not heal. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. Eventually I visited my local doctor, who arranged for an appointment at the Lincoln Hospital. In the out-patients’ department they took a biopsy, and when I next visited, they told me I had a squamous cell carcinoma, a form of cancer, and that it would have to be cut out. This meant slicing away a part of my ear , but as it was put to me, “you’ll still have enough ear to hang your glasses on!” [Read more…]
96. A Whale of a Tale
In February 1891 a whaling ship by the name of Star of the East was in action in the South Atlantic, near the Falkland Islands. Whilst harpooning a large sperm whale, two of the sailors were knocked overboard. One of them was rescued from the high seas, the other disappeared. [Read more…]
95. One Helluva Hole
The following story was circulated in 1990 by M.E.Beirnes, the Editor of “The Midnight Cry”, an interdenominational and pre-millennial magazine which began in 1939. We received copies of TMC for some years, but have no idea whether it still operates. The story began in Volume 51, No. 4, April 1990, and continued in the June and July editions. In relating this story, extracts will be taken from the magazines before any comment is made. [Read more…]
69. The Windows of the Soul
From the Scientific viewpoint, the human eye is a spherical organ almost exactly one inch in diameter, whose outer coating (the sclerotic) is composed of a tough vitreous material ideally suited for its task of protecting the inner parts of the eye. The front part of the sclerotic (the cornea) is the only transparent part, the rest being opaque white. [Read more…]
57. The Dark Day of May 19th 1780
In the last edition of the Wayside Pulpit it was suggested that the strange darkness that covered a large area of New England in 1780 was a show of divine anger at what was being engineered at the inauguration of a New Nation. Others have made the same suggestion, but this has been hotly contested by some, saying that in the 200 years since then nothing has transpired to warrant such a conclusion, and that quite the majority of investigators have concluded that the darkness was due to intense forest fires, known to have been burning to the north of the region. In this second part to the investigation, we should like to record all the written evidences from that time, without making further comment. In the next paper, we shall draw some conclusions, based on evidences that may have been missed. [Read more…]
54. Cats, Dogs and Philodendrons
“You’d be surprised how many times vets tell me the same! People phone up and cancel their appointments. On being asked why, they say, ‘Oh, but we can’t find Tabby. She’s disappeared. She must have sensed we were going to bring her to you.'” [Read more…]
53. Fingerprints and Irises
Where do we come from? How did we get here? Where are we going? What’s it all about? These are commonly asked questions, and the world has sought its own answers. Men of God in the early Christian era asked the same questions, and sought answers in Holy Writ, coupled with the logic of experience. [Read more…]
40. “When the Stars begin to fall”
O Lord, what a morning! O Lord, what a morning!
O Lord, what a morning! When the Stars begin to fall.You will flee to the rocks and mountains. You will flee to the rocks and mountains
You will flee to the rocks and mountains, When the stars begin to fall!