We now come to the last part in this present series, based on the first verse of Genesis. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Several expositors over the years have commented on the beauty of this verse, a transcendent beauty of numerical design that simply could not have been the result of human workmanship. In this paper I should like to mention the work of Dr Bullinger, Ivan Panin, Dr Charles Ozanne, and Dr Vernon Jenkins, to mention but four sources, the first two from the turn of the century, and the last two of the present time. [Read more…]
112. The Secret of 276
In the 27th chapter of Acts, Luke gives a graphic account of the tragic sea voyage in which the Apostle Paul, as prisoner, sailed from Caesarea to Italy, in the custody of Julius the Centurion. And in that account, he tells us that 276 souls were saved alive from the shipwreck, not one being lost to the raging sea. This is the location of the number 276 in the New Testament, and in due course we shall find that this precisely stated number is full of significance, in exactly the same way that we saw the significance of 153 in the last paper. But the secret must remain until the end of this paper. [Read more…]
111. The Secret of 153
In the 21st chapter of John’s Gospel we find the story of the 153 great fishes that Peter brought ashore after the resurrection. The number has caught the imagination of Bible students through the centuries. Dr. E.W.Bullinger, in his “Number in Scripture” tells us that Gregory of Nyasa commented on it, saying that it is found by multiplying 17 by 3 and then by 3 again. St.Augustine found that by adding 1 to 2, and then 3, and 4, etc up to 17, it totals 153, which shows that it belongs to the concept we have called “Triangle Numbers”, related to an ‘Arithmetical Progression’.
110. Triangle Numbers
Please don’t be put off by this title! Although this study is about number patterns, it will have a progressively spiritual lesson to offer us as we proceed – indeed, a most important lesson. In P.T.105 we looked at some of the Biblical secrets locked up in numbers. Some may find it boring to contemplate numerical studies, and we are quite aware that interests and enthusiasms are very diverse amongst the Lord’s people, but we feel that the truths we now have to offer are so strange, so pointed, so wonderful, that we wish to encourage our readers to pause for a while and read these four papers. We think you will be astonished. [Read more…]
105. Secret Numerical Codes in Biblical Hebrew and Greek
In recent days we have seen a great deal of publicity on the discovery of hidden messages in the Torah, the five books of the Mosaic Law, based on what are now called “equidistant letter sequences” (ELS). These have only been discovered due to the rise of high-speed computers, and therefore the information could never have been available prior to the last twenty years or so. [Read more…]
80c. Further Secrets Revealed
In Part Two I mentioned in passing that the final tally of the Elements was 118, and that this number was important. Now is the time to say why. But before doing so, I should like to point out that some scientists suggest the (as yet, theoretical) possibility of a FOURTH slab of Elements, after number 118, and as this would contain the square of TEN, it would amount to another HUNDRED elements. [Read more…]
34. Money Lovers
“The love of money is the root of all evil.”
This is a well-known saying. it is found in Paul’s first letter to Timothy, (6:10) and in this paper we shall be looking at the implications of this statement. [Read more…]