Yes, I meant that! Although this article will be about UFOs, I would like to suggest that from a Christian point of view, their cover is blown, and therefore we may refer to them as Identified Flying Objects, or IFOs. Undoubtedly this subject is amongst the greatest of modern “mysteries”, and many writers have had their say, and some like von Daniken have made a pile for themselves through publishing. How then do we begin? Furthermore, what benefit will accrue in discussing the subject? Is it safe, or wise, to explore the mystery? I believe it to be highly significant in the climate of today’s world, and a necessary subject to discuss, and to warn fellow-believers concerning what is behind it all.
Let me start by saying that I approached this subject in the past from a scientific point of view. I obtained my degree in physics at London University in 1953, and spent my career years teaching the subject up to University Entrance level in Reading, Berkshire, also in Kenya, and Hong Kong. Throughout all these years I had always impressed on my students what is generally known as “the scientific method.” Simply put, it is (a) the collection of facts, either by observation or by experiment, (b) the examination and assessment of all available information resulting from these studies, and (c) the proposal of a solution, the formulation of a law, or the understanding of natural phenomena. Simple experiments in School Science Laboratories have always been a means of teaching the Scientific Method. Students may measure the stretching of springs to find Hooke’s Law, or the bending of light through glass prisms to learn about the Laws of Refraction, to mention but two examples.
The reason for this preamble is to establish the frame of mind that I possessed in 1967, when confronted by UFO phenomena in Reading. Immediately I began to apply the Scientific Method, believing it to be the only safe way to obtain an answer to all the questions that were then being raised in the local press, based on a rash of sightings. As was always my wont, I threw myself into the investigation wholeheartedly, and accepted the position of Local Agent for a group known as BUFORA (British UFO Research Association.) I began to travel around and interview those who had witnessed strange events, in each case writing out a report to send to Head Office. In some cases I was able to see photographs. These were helpful. Soon I had a goodly number of reports, and began to sift through them for clues. Head Office kindly sent me reports from other parts of the country, so that I could compare and contrast information received. All this might be called part (a) of my work. Part (b) however, proved to be difficult. The examination and assessment of the gathered information was quite unlike anything I had experienced through my training as a scientist. Things appeared and disappeared. Sometimes an object shot across the sky at a phenomenal speed, or what was more puzzling, did a U turn so rapidly that if a being were inside, it would be flattened into a disc by the sheer force of acceleration. This was about as far as I could get. Part (c) was only obtained as a result of circumstances that arose unexpectedly, and which I must now share in detail.
A teenager by the name of Philip from nearby Burghfield had seen a UFO, and I had talked to him. He suggested we should watch together near the gravel pits. That night, in the autumn of 1967, was the beginning of the unravelling of the mystery. I never actually saw the thing myself. I don’t know why. But I “felt” its presence, and it was malevolent. Philip saw it, and immediately began to shake uncontrollably. I bundled him into my car and took him home. Even by the kitchen boiler he couldn’t warm up and stop shaking. I asked him whether he believed in God. He said he’d never given it any serious thought. “Would you mind if I prayed for you?” Philip readily agreed. Laying my hands on the lad’s head I commanded the evil influence to depart from him. Gradually he recovered. “When you prayed, the cold rose up from my legs and through my body and finally out through my head. I’m better now.” From that moment Philip believed in God and also the Devil, and within a short time I was able to lead him into a personal knowledge of the Lord Jesus.
This event was the first real indicator to help me reach part (c) of my investigation. Shortly afterwards a reporter from the Reading Evening Post contacted me, and suggested we should spend an evening at The Mearings, a residential area designed especially to house workers from AWRE, (Atomic Weapons Research Establishment) near Reading. Jane was young and keen, and wanted to see a UFO herself so that she could make a first-hand report for her paper. About a dozen of us waited in the dark with cameras at the ready, and then it happened. We all saw it, and dogs began to howl. A ring of coloured lights seemed to suggest a circular object that was rotating. It came down towards us and disappeared into a wooded thicket nearby. Jane was off on the hunt, together with a teenager who was also fearless. However, they both returned looking frightened, saying that they couldn’t get near because of some force that made them shake. It was similar to Philip’s experience. We went into a local man’s house. Jane had a shot of whiskey, and began to recover. She had her story for the next edition of the paper, but in fact it was eclipsed by a UFO hoax story that was country-wide.
I needed no further evidence. UFOs were sinister, and required spiritual warfare by Christians to help those who had been savaged by them, whoever they were. It wasn’t until later in 1968 that the identity of the Ufonauts was revealed to me. This was nearly a year after I had destroyed all the material connected with UFO research, and sent back to BUFORA material belonging to them, with a note on my findings. I never expected to have any further encounters or experiences. However, it was clear that the Lord wanted me to know something more. This is how it came about.
During 1968 we housed a young man, Mike, who had come to know the Lord after a very violent past, during which he had been remanded for GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) on three occasions. However, his repentance and change were a delight to watch, and we felt the Lord was calling us to give him a home, something he had never known for 18 years. Furthermore, the lovingkindness of the Lord was such that He opened a channel to Mike, who was able to hear God speak to him in a remarkable way. The incident I want to recall happened after he’d been staying with us for a few months. The Lord had given Mike a warning just before we went to visit friends on a certain evening, and after being with them for several hours, we returned home well after 11 p.m. Unknown to us, Mike had disobeyed the Lord. It doesn’t fit into the present story so I won’t elaborate, except to say that what followed was a result of his disobedience. As we neared our home, Mike had been extra chatty in his usual Cockney fashion, but suddenlly said that a UFO was coming down towards us, and then a dramatic change suddenly occurred to Mike. He slumped in his seat and seemed semi-conscious. Dragging his feet up the stairs to our flat, he collapsed heavily onto the settee, and Rosalind and I knew that we had work to do. What happened would take pages to explain in detail, but let it suffice to say that we were not through until nearly 3 a.m.
I assumed that Mike had become possessed, and set to at once to deliver him in the Lord’s name. However, nothing happened. There was no sign of sentient life in him. The Lord whispered to me that if I should persevere, He would help me. Taking courage from this I began commanding the entity once again, when all of a sudden Mike’s head looked up, and he began to speak in a voice quite unlike his own Cockney dialect. It sounded more like a German accent. From what I gathered later in the night, I think he must have been a fallen angel impersonating an English-speaking German. The following bizarre encounter was later recorded in our journal, from which I now copy these notes.
AE. Who are you? Where do you come from?
SM. My name is Schmidt. . . . . He is not here. I have removed him. He belongs to us now.
My mind had to do a U-turn from demon possession to something I’d never encountered before. I was struck dumb for a few minutes, not knowing how to respond, but it was clear that the being was ready to talk. A quick cry for help was answered immediately. “Be not afraid. Ask him questions and learn. Mike will be restored.”
AE. What have you done to Mike?
SM. I have a device. With it I remove the memory and adjust the mind. Mike’s memory has been stored.
AE. Then in Jesus’ name I call for the restoration of his mind.
Gradually over the next hour I was able to obtain the restoration of Mike’s mind. It was a difficult job, as I plied with Schmidt, but finally completed. Heaving a sigh of relief, as Mike began to speak to us in his normal voice, I thought the night’s work was complete. But suddenly a new voice came from Mike’s mouth, another being who announced his name to be Layneksesson, and he had a slightly Swedish accent.
LA. What we have done was necessary for our research.
AE. Have you done this sort of thing before?
LA. (Laughing in mockery) You have no idea. The extent of our work is vast, but we have far to go yet, and then we shall be able to bring peace to the earth.
AE. At what a price!
LA. It is nothing. Man is unable to sort out his own mess, and will be glad to accept us when we come.
AE. But you will have a race of morons on your hands. All the dignity of human character will be drained away.
LA. What character? Even your God has written it off as useless.
AE. True, but I was speaking about our ability to make decisions.
LA Throughout man’s history he has made wrong decisions. Man is a vicious animal, cruel and bestial, and he needs to be tamed. Since he will not come to terms with himself, he must be shown a better way.
AE. I agree, but the better way was demonstrated at Calvary.
LA. That was weakness. 2,000 years of history has demonstrated the futility of the cross. Jesus was mistaken. His ways have been tried but he has failed. It is now our turn and we shall succeed.
AE. How will you do that?
LA. Man is a wild horse, a dog. He responds only to force and training. Then he may become docile and reasonable.
AE. Man is not an animal. He was created in the image of God. Maturity cannot be achieved by the methods you advocate.
LA. We shall not fail. Man will grow to respect us very quickly when we come.
That was the end of that conversation, but not the end of our warfare. Yet another being spoke before we were through, but it is not necessary to report any more of what took place. Enough has been said to show that UFOs are manned by fallen angels who have a mandate to take over this world on behalf of their leader, who is none other than Satan himself.
Why do these strange craft keep appearing? Let me quote from an article written by a friend, Rev. AnthonyMillican, who had experienced UFO activity.
“There is tremendous religious thirst in the world today, particularly among young people. It is this that the fallen angels are trying to prey upon. They are drawing people into UFO societies that dabble with the occult. Their teaching is subtle. They may use the same words that come from the Bible, but their teaching is anti-Christ. The Gospel of Luke says that one of the signs of the second coming will be ‘fearful sights and great signs from heaven.’ UFOs are false signs in the sky to soften people up – before the coming of the Devil.”
Those words were spoken in 1980 and according to an article in the Daily Mail of August 6th, the incidence of sightings has become much greater recently. There is much of interest in this article if you wish to read it. URL as follows –
To conclude – some may feel that my anecdotes prove nothing. Indeed, I cannot prove or show evidence for what I have written. But my wife and I were present on these occasions, and together our witness is true. I know the final episode is startling and unusual, but it actually happened, and we both remember that night in all its chilling detail to this day. Our purpose in writing this testimony is to alert our readers to a phenomenon that cannot be investigated by Scientific Method because it derives from a higher dimensional plane. But our Lord has called us into a higher dimension from the day we first knew Him, and He calls us to be His warriors against the encroaching darkness. Satan will not win. He is a defeated foe, but he still retains much power, and uses itsubtily against the world, and particularly against believers in Jesus Christ. Like the Lord said to me on that night, “Have no fear”. Why? Because He who is within us is greater than he who is within the world. Should we not therefore be Overcomers?