Romans 1:3-4 “God’s Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was made of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.”
So reads the Authorised Version, and more or less every other version I’ve looked at. On reading the text, one is led to understand that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God at His resurrection. Has it ever occurred to anyone to query this? Wasn’t Jesus declared to be the Son of God before His resurrection? Surely He was.
This is where all the translators have let us down. I cannot find a single translation that follows the Greek accurately. However, the Interlinear Greek Text gives us the truth, and this is what it says, ” – – – by a resurrection of dead persons.” Yes, it is plural in the Greek, and has no reference to our Lord’s resurrection at all!
What can be learned from this verse? Paul was saying that Jesus’ Sonship was established by the raising of Jairus’ daughter, by the raising of the Widow of Nain’s son, and by the raising of Lazarus. This may not be a world-shattering revelation. It may not come as a shaft of new truth, but it needs to be said in order that Paul’s letter to the Romans reads correctly, that our English follows the Greek accurately. This is the purpose of this new series, to restore original truth. We hope that it is helpful to our readers.