An investigation into Biblical Chronology based on a pattern of Eight Millennia of Human History.
Many Biblical scholars of high rank and learning have set themselves the task of unravelling the time span from Adam to the present day, based on the Biblical record. One author entitled his volume, “The Romance of Biblical Chronology”. (Martin Anstey) Yes, there is a degree of romance in the whole endeavour, but I would add that one also needs a good deal of ingenuity, as well as knowledge of how to handle Biblical revelation.
It is perhaps this last stated point that now focuses my attention, because one may not approach the Bible purely from a “nuts and bolts” point of view. It is not compiled like any other history book. It is a sacred revelation from God our Father, and in many ways it is a closed book, and like all ancient “mysteries”, needs a key to unlock its secrets. The key is that degree of inspiration granted from Above by the Holy Spirit.
I do not claim to have any more of this precious commodity than others, but have prayed that my investigation will be covered by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. By how much I may have achieved some degree of success will become apparent, and be assessed by my readers, as we proceed. This is not meant as a statement of false humility, but rather as a realisation that none of us can claim that fullness of revelation that we should like to have. However, my testimony is that I have greatly enjoyed my time of investigation, and feel that the results will bring a sense of harmony to the subject, beyond any of the necessary arithmetical computations required in a study of this sort.
Here and there I have embarked on some aspects of this subject in my earlier writings in The Prophetic Telegraph and later papers, for example the series of three entitled “The Crowning Day”, being numbers 86, 87, and 88. Also, the earliest copies of my “Seven Steps to Bethlehem” contained many chapters relating to chronology in the latter part of the thesis. Most of the substance of these chapters will be included in this present work.
The substance of this writing is based on a pattern of eight millennia, which I believe is apparent in the Scriptures, and which to investigate certainly produces a sense of romance, as Anstey testified. I must confess that until recently I have not appreciated quite how much material is available in holy writ to bolster this view. And so I should like to share my findings, and hence this series of chapters.