So much has been written on the subject of the Greek word Aionios, usually translatedEternal, or Everlasting, especially by those who believe in Universal Reconciliation. Not all of their writings have been convincing. Neither have mine. The subject is fraught with difficulty, and we all have to appreciate the difficulties involved. In this writing I should like to take a new thrust at the subject, hoping it will prove helpful. [Read more…]
12. HELL. An Investigation – Part 1
One hears a lot about Hell. It’s on everyone’s lips, used as an expletive. They say “O Hell!”,meaning something has happened to upset their plans. So what is Hell? How do we find out? Does the Bible have the answer, or are we to rely on Milton and Dante? Is Hell a figment of our imagination that has caused most people to laugh at it, but others to be scared to death? Finally, is the subject worth looking at all? Aren’t there better things to investigate? [Read more…]
13. HELL. An Investigation – Part 2
In Part 1 we showed that the Biblical Hell (Hades and Sheol) is but a “clearing house” for departed souls, and does not contain any suggestion of judgments, fire, torments, lake of fire, or “eternal punishments”, etc. It may take some time for us to adapt our thinking to engage with the Scriptural truth, but to all who earnestly desire to do so, no doubt the exercise will not be burdensome. [Read more…]
14. HELL. An Investigation – Part 3
In the last writing we saw that “fire” is a symbol of God’s refining work in His Elect. No one is exempt from this. But the Divine Fire only consumes that which is unholy, evil, and defiled. It never consumes people that God has created. [Read more…]
15. HELL. An Investigation – Part 4
This next part of our investigation centres on what we have called the “Grey” and “Black” regions of Hades. In order to present some Biblical material relevant to this study, it will be necessary to gather together some of our Lord’s sayings from the Gospels. These deal with various types of “failure” on the part of people, and the “punishment” predicted as a result. [Read more…]
16. HELL. An Investigation – Part 5
The purpose of our previous number was to dispose of the false assertion that we who espouse Universal Reconciliation don’t believe in Hell. Hell is a very real part of our theology, and it brings us face to face with God’s holy requirements. It was perhaps a rather sombre writing, but very necessary. No one can expect to be exonerated from blame of any sort for the things done in the body. It is often said that Paul’s letters toEphesus and Colosse contain the highest revelations God gave to His Church. If this be so, then listen to what Paul said. “Whatsoever good thing any man does, the same shall he receive of the Lord, . . . and there is no respect of persons with Him.” (Eph.6:8-9. “He who does wrong shall receive for the wrong he has done, and there is no respect of persons.” (Col.3:25) This is true for the children of God, and it is undoubtedly true for the rest of the world. There is no way in which anyone can be exempt from God’s judgments. [Read more…]
17. The Creation of Evil
Jack and George are both students of Scripture, and have known each other for some years, and are always sharing their new findings with each other. They respect each other as members of Christ’s mystical body, and preserve true love in their relationship. [Read more…]
19. The Nether Millstone
There is an old English proverb that was once frequently quoted. “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” In fact it derives from the writings of Samuel Butler (1612 – 1680) the English satirical poet, in Hudibras II, canto 2,
Love is a boy, by poets styl’d,
Then spare the rod, and spoil the child.
20. Prayer
There is nothing strange or difficult to understand about the meaning of the word prayer. It is the equivalent of communication and conversation between members of an earthly household. We are children of God, and we belong to the “household of faith”, and therefore the parallel is simple to follow. At its best, it is just talking to God as our Father, because we are His children. It is spontaneous, natural, and can take place anywhere, at any time of day or night, silently when travelling on a bus, out loud when walking in the fields. It should be a cherished activity, accepted as a great privilege, and should always be looked upon as a continuous contact between heaven and earth. [Read more…]