Hello John! Here’s my second article about Genesis. You may remember me saying that we should leave the first TOLEDOTH for another time – in other words, the first chapter of Genesis, down to the first four verses of chapter two. I think the time’s right to consider it now. It’s a very interesting passage, one that has been a bone of contention to some, but the source of stability to others. [Read more…]
16. Hidden Treasures of Genesis. Part 1
I am writing these papers especially for you, John, my dear son. I hold you close to my heart, and pray for you daily, that the Lord Jesus in whom you have believed will gradually transform you into His own image as the years go by. You are now in your 20th year, and I am now 63, [1994] and I know that we have found it difficult to relate to each other at times. Our age gap may be part of the problem. But you are a man of action, always wanting to be up and about, doing things, meeting people, relating to others, working with your hands, going places, seeing things, whereas I have been the “scholar in the study”. God has made us differently. You cannot be the scholar. I cannot be as you. We both know that and accept it. But because you are my son, I have a God-given duty towards you, to pass on to you all those good things that the Lord has so graciously given to me over the years, and He has left me with the directive of making a bridge between us. I hope I shall succeed. May God give me wisdom. [Later comment in 1999 – Yes, God has marvellously answered that prayer, and father and son now have a good working relationship. Thank you, Lord.] [Read more…]
30. Noah’s Vineyard
Genesis Chapter Nine
1. And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.” [Read more…]
1a. Why settle for half the gospel?
(About the origin of The Prophetic Telegraph. It was on 8th June 1986 that I was sitting in the lounge reading the local newspaper, when my 17 year old daughter Esther said, “Daddy, what’s that you’re reading? Is it The Prophetic Telegraph?” Turning to the back page, where she was looking, I saw the title in Old English characters – The Property Telegraph. We all laughed. But as the day wore on the thought came to me that I should use her title in a series of articles based on my Biblical research and the talks I was giving in our Home Church. That is how it all started, and initially the articles were sent out by post, but later, as computing became widely used, they were sent by email, and now on my Website as well. And so I still retain the title.)
It is commonly understood and generally accepted that large chunks of original truth were lost in the dark ages that followed the first century A.D. Precious jewels of knowledge vouchsafed to mankind by our Saviour, and later by His apostles through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, were thrown to the ground and trampled underfoot by human agencies acting under the influence of dark cosmic intelligences. But men were not generally even aware that they were being used as the tools of Satan in this respect. [Read more…]
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