Of recent months we have received a number of articles presenting what can only be called “The New American Standard Version of the Gospel.” After piecing it together into a consecutive narrative, it runs like this. [Read more…]
12. 100 Pianos
Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos, all tuned to the same fork, are automatically tuned to each other?
They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.
So one hundred worshippers met together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become ‘unity conscious’ and turn their eyes away from God and strive for closer fellowship.
(Quotation from A.W.Tozer. Page 97 in “The Pursuit of God”, 1948)
11. Traits of the self-life
Amongst my many papers, gathered over the years, is a small tract, written anonymously several decades ago, which came to light once again when I was sorting out, and which I believe may be of help to some. It is entitled “Traits of the self-life”. [Read more…]
9. True Worship
In these days of the Charismatic Movement, which has swept the world like a tidal wave, believers have grown used to thinking of “worship” in terms of a particular time-slot in their fellowship meetings, associated with music, musicians, and “worship leaders.” But true worship was defined in Exodus 20:25-26, following immediately after the Decalogue. [Read more…]
71. In Pursuit of Excellence
The pursuit of excellence is a goodly theme. He who would remain content with the mediocre despises his Lord. Talents are given for multiplication, not preservation. An over-indulgence in pondering the weaknesses and sins of the flesh prevents us from laying hold of God’s strength and righteousness. [Read more…]
55. Millenial Kings and Priests
We have just reached the 20th chapter of Revelation in our Bible Study series. After reading of all the miseries and wretchedness of the Beast system, and the cunning craftiness of Satan, it was like a breath of fresh air to read that the earth had been rid of them for a thousand years, and that God’s elect were being prepared for kingly rule. And so we investigated the theme in some detail, and came up with some very interesting information, which we should now like to share. [Read more…]
42. I Believe!
“I believe in God”. So begins the creed which is said every Sunday in every Anglican church throughout the land. Many other items of belief are then added to this public declaration, known as THE CREED. It is considered to be of the utmost importance in the Christian faith to have a creed. Different denominations have different creeds. They do not vary all that much of course, otherwise they could not all call themselves exponents of the Christian faith. But the differences have often been the grounds of some break away in the past, resulting in yet another denomination. [Read more…]
41. The Image
In the last article we spoke about the image of God’s Son being engraved into our nature by the Work of God.
In this article we shall look at a completely different type of image – one that does credit to no one, and ends in death. But although the subject may seem to be so negative, it nevertheless contains a most important lesson, and may save someone from disaster, who reads it. [Read more…]
40. The Mirror
Yesterday (24th July 1991) the Lord spoke to me. His word was very brief and came at a time when I was not expecting anything. He said, “I hate admiration. I have no need of it.” I pondered this word in my mind and heart throughout the day as it became clearer what He meant. This morning He gave me more, which I have written down, and would like to share it. It is as follows:- [Read more…]
36. On Your Toes!
Many attempts have been made to interpret the books of Daniel and Revelation. No two commentaries seem to agree. Theories abound. It’s obvious they cannot all be correct! And if we enter the arena, can we hope to do any better? We are not claiming to have any or all the answers, but wish to share an understanding which we feel is important, especially at this time, when the Middle East powder keg seems ready to blow up in the faces of all mankind. [Read more…]