In these days of the Charismatic Movement, which has swept the world like a tidal wave, believers have grown used to thinking of “worship” in terms of a particular time-slot in their fellowship meetings, associated with music, musicians, and “worship leaders.” But true worship was defined in Exodus 20:25-26, following immediately after the Decalogue.
“If you will make Me an Altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone, for if you lift up your tool upon it you have polluted it. Neither shall you go up by steps to My Altar, that your nakedness be not discovered thereon.”
No doubt these words were in our Lord’s mind when speaking to the woman at the well in Samaria. He said, “A time is coming and now is, when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is spirit and His worshippers must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23,24)
It is refreshing therefore to learn that while Elaine Cook was asking God in prayer how to worship Him acceptably, much to her joy, she received the following words:
1 “When you accept whatever situation you are in without murmuring, you are worshipping Me.
2 When you can rejoice in Me in the midst of your infirmities, you are worshipping Me.
3 When I have brought pressures to bear upon you to bring out the gold of My nature and you bear them patiently—blaming not Me, nor another person, nor yourself, then you are truly worshipping me.
4 When you can “forgive yourself” for your weaknesses and failures and cease expecting your human nature to bring forth perfection, you are worshipping Me.
5 When you have come to the place of recognising and acknowledging that “of myself I can do nothing.” then do I have praise of thee.
6 When you can look upon a wasted life and agree that I can and will make this one every whit whole—that this is My desire—then you have offered Me true worship, for you have seen My true nature.
7 When you look upon My natural creation and the beauty of it and magnify Me, then am I worshipped.
8 When you hear My word within you saying, “this is the way—walk ye in it,” and you obey My word with rejoicing, I feel worship from thee.
9 When you look upon someone afflicted, tossed, and broken with compassion, then am I worshipped.
10 When you recognise My Body and honor them as My brethren, this is true worship unto Me.
11 When the lips are silent because of your pain, and you lift your heart to Me, I feel your worship.
12 When you say, “I cannot—please help me!” then am I worshipped.
Worship is a heart attitude in every place and situation in which you find yourselves. It acknowledges My Lordship, the righteousness of My nature, the truth of My Word, and the reality of My indwelling presence. You may offer worship at all times and in every situation by keeping your heart right towards Me and toward your fellow-man.”
Written by Elaine Cook, P.O.Box 371, Summerland, British Columbia, Canada, VOH IZO