By request, I am sending the complete poem for you to read.
24. Living stones for a spiritual temple
“You also, as living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house for a holy priesthood.” (1 Peter 2:5)
Have you ever had the sheer joy of reading H.V.Morton’s book, “In the Steps of the Master”? Published in 1934, as a result of his wide travels in the Middle East, he had a manner of writing that leaves the reader with vivid mental images. The following passage (from pages 62 – 65) is most helpful when connected with the words of Peter, quoted above. [Read more…]
20. The rationality of the Christian faith
The Christian faith is wholly rational. God has given men and women minds to use. The renewed mind of the one who is born again is wholly adequate for determining the rationality of his/her faith, and there should never be grounds for wavering. The Bible is a clean, clear, bright, revelatory book that enlightens the mind, feeds the soul, and elevates the spirit. The Author is God Himself, the Mediator is the Lord Jesus, and the Revelator is the Holy Spirit. [Read more…]
18. The second coming of Elijah
The Prophet Malachi (4:5) foretold the coming of Elijah, prior to the “great and dreadful day of the Lord.” He would turn the heart of the fathers to the children, etc. The High Priest and many other faithful Jews would always leave a place at their table, in case he suddenly appeared. Some Jews persist in this practice today. [Read more…]
16. The opening of the Kansas Senate in the USA
On 23rd January 1996, Pastor Joe Wright was asked to open the New Session of the Kansas Senate in the Unites States. Instead of voicing the expected platitudes and generalities, this man of God uttered an impassioned prayer for the State and the Nation. The text of that prayer has been preserved. It was as follows – [Read more…]
14. Evangelism and the second advent
The following article was written, many years ago, by Bishop J.C.Ryle, (1816 – 1900) the first Bishop of Liverpool, for the Daily Telegraph’s Saturday Religious Comment column. It was entitled Evangelism and thesecond advent. [Read more…]
12. 100 Pianos
Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos, all tuned to the same fork, are automatically tuned to each other?
They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.
So one hundred worshippers met together, each one looking away to Christ, are in heart nearer to each other than they could possibly be were they to become ‘unity conscious’ and turn their eyes away from God and strive for closer fellowship.
(Quotation from A.W.Tozer. Page 97 in “The Pursuit of God”, 1948)
11. Traits of the self-life
Amongst my many papers, gathered over the years, is a small tract, written anonymously several decades ago, which came to light once again when I was sorting out, and which I believe may be of help to some. It is entitled “Traits of the self-life”. [Read more…]
9. True Worship
In these days of the Charismatic Movement, which has swept the world like a tidal wave, believers have grown used to thinking of “worship” in terms of a particular time-slot in their fellowship meetings, associated with music, musicians, and “worship leaders.” But true worship was defined in Exodus 20:25-26, following immediately after the Decalogue. [Read more…]
8. Dangers of rock music
In W.P.2 we published a Warning to parents on the dangers of certain forms of modern music, and the effect it was having, especially on the young people of today. On the same theme, we now reproduce the letter sent toBritain a few years ago by Peter Peters, Head of the Unregistered Union of Russian Churches in Moscow, andVasilij Ryzhuk, one of the Elders. It is a chilling commentary on the Rock scene. [Read more…]