Readers’ Comments
In writing about the subject of the Pre-existence of the Sou1, we realised that it would come as a shock to some, as abhorrent to others, but as an acceptable revelation to a few. The following letters, extracts, and phone/fax messages have been received from just after the last mailing until the end of January 1998.
“I was excited to read your articles on pre-existence because it brought back to me an experience I had over thirty years go, when coming back to the Lord after a time in the wilderness. I found myself in heaven. 1 don’t know whether it was “in the body or out of it”, to quote Paul, but it was nevertheless very real. I was surrounded by such glories that I instinctively knelt down and bowed my head. But after a few moments I had a strong urge to look up, and there, standing before me, was the Lord Jesus Himself. But it was my comment that surprised me. I can clearly remember saying, very reverently, “Oh, it’sYou!” Yes, I knew Him. I recognised him. I realised that I’d seen Him before. And now, having read virtually the same in Betty Eadie’s book, it brought it all back to me.” (Phone call from M.W. Scotland.)
“Thank you Arthur for the material on pre-existence. I have taken it all very seriously, and will look forward to anything further you find on this important issue. At present I am sharing it with a close friend, and in due course will tell you what his reactions are.” (Phone call from J.A. Staffordshire)
“I found the pre-existence set interesting reading, but I have placed them in the filing cabinet out of harm’s way. By your own admission there is very little overtly written in the Biblical account for this theory.” (Letter from P.B. Surrey)
“Thank you for your latest bundle of papers. As you can imagine I was not greatly impressed with your views on Pre-existence, in fact I find the whole idea quite grotesque. I am not however writing to tell you that, but to express my appreciation of your other papers.” (Letter from C.O. Guernsey)
“I was admiring the hills around me where I lived, and thinking they must he very old, when I heard the Spirit say, ‘My son, you’re older than those hills.'” (Quoted from J.S. in a news letter just received from Canada)
“When, on many occasions, I have contemplated the fact that our God knew us before the foundation of the world, we His chosen, who are constantly in His thoughts by day and night, I wondered, “Lord, was I there?” and then when I read of the joy of the sons of the morning, singing for joy, I imagine that I was there too, singing for joy, and then the joy of the Lord breaks forth within me – – – but what does it mean? Maybe there will be a further breakthrough, as I further reflect and contemplate your writings. Thank you dear friends for your devoted labours and research of His word.” (Letter from W.D. Hampshire)
‘Thank you very much for sending me all those papers on pre-existence. I found them absolutely fascinating, and will have to read them again to absorb the fullness of them.” (Phone call from G.S. East Yorkshire)
“I found your papers on pre-existence compelling. They certainly explained to my satisfaction all those difficult passages about predestination. (Phone call from G.S. North Lincolnshire)
“1 found your papers on pre-existence very stimulating. It was all completely new to me, but as I began to reflect on it, it fell into place. There isn’t much explicitly in the Scriptures, is there?” “No,” I answered, “but if you accept the idea, then a lot of other things fall into place more easily.” “Exactly, that’s how I found it as well. For example, when we read that Jesus is the Firstborn of all creation, doesn’t it imply that all the rest of creation was there at the beginning as well? And again, that verse in John’s letter, where he speaks about the fathers who have known Him from the beginning. What beginning is it?” “Most people refer that to the start of Jesus’ ministry, or perhaps the day of Pentecost,” I answered. “Exactly. But how do we know? There’s obviously a lot more work to be done on this subject. So thanks for the papers. They were very interesting.” (Phone call from T.H. Bedfordshire)
“Thank you for taking the time to send me some back numbers of your newsletter The Prophetic Telegraph. Unfortunately there are several doctrines which you believe which I consider to be absolutely heretical, namely that the Holy Spirit is our Mother; your belief in the pre-existence of souls; your denial of an imminent pre-tribulation rapture, followed by the literal return of the Lord with His saints; your belief that the kingdom could begin at any time; your acceptance of the testimony of new-ager Betty Eadie; your approbation of the arch-heretic of the early church, Origen, who incidentally was a Universalist; your own belief in the damnable heresy of universalism. I do not judge whether you are truly saved or not – ‘the Lordknoweth them that are His’ (2 Tim.2:19), nor do I judge your motives, nor your sincerity in the beliefs you hold; however I firmly believe you are sincerely wrong. You remind me of the Athenians of old who “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing.” (Acts 17:21) I would commend to you the exhortation of Jeremiah the prophet, “Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” (Jer.6:16) The Canon of Holy Writ is to be our SOLE guide for faith and practice (Sola Scriptura) and God does not give fresh revelations outside Scripture to modern-day “prophets”, who are all charlatans and impostors, and completely self-deceived. (Deut. 18:20) The Holy Spirit shows Christians the right interpretation of the Bible, as they pray to God for guidance and study and meditate upon His word. (John 14:26, 16:13) I pray God will enlighten you to see the truth as it is in Jesus and that you will repent of your aberrant beliefs. Yours, with concern for your souls, (Complete letter from D.H. Scotland) P.S. With the above in mind. PLEASE REMOVE MY NAME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST.
“I must take issue with your recent issues of PT. I find it regrettable that you have given so much space and emphasis to Greek thought and apocryphal writings in considering matters of scriptural interpretation. The Word of God is unique, stands alone without external support from human sources, and is alone inspired by the Spirit of God.” (Part of a letter from R.C.A., Senior Baptist Pastor from South Carolina, U.S.A. I wrote what I thought to be a conciliatory reply to this brother, giving him some positive grounds for my belief in Universal Reconciliation, but he replied with such vicious language, that I must refrain from adding more of his words here.)
” I had given thought about pre-existence actually because of the verse that states, ‘The spirit returns to its Maker.’ I thought, how can something return unless it had been there before? So, truly I believe that spirits are with the Lord before being born into the world. Now I won’t go as far as to say they ‘select’ or ‘choose’ what purpose they will fill while here – I don’t know about this – could be right – I’m not sure about it.” (Part of a letter from Mrs H.F. Indiana, USA.)
“Your Prophetic Telegraphs have certainly been very interesting lately -especially on the subject of pre-existence which has brought some blessing. There is a lot to digest and pray through – and they are certainly very challenging.” (Part of a letter from I&S.M. Scotland.)
“Many thanks for your recent letter and the publications of the Prophetic Telegraph that I have received. I would like to further encourage you in your research. I find your articles thought provoking and challenging, which also encourages me to research many new ideas that have challenged my thinking and help me to look at new parts of God’s word in a different light, so please keep the PTs coming.” (Part of a Faxed letter from L.B. Aukland, New Zealand.)
The Lord told Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee.” Paul said that we had been “chosen in Him from before the foundation of the world”. Moses said of the Lord, “Thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” The Lord said through Isaiah, “Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth?” These Scriptures establish that an order of beings (who would later come to be born in the flesh) existed with God in the beginning. The sons of God existed before the cornerstone of the earth was laid, when they shouted for joy and the morning stars sang. (Extract from a lengthy communication entitled “The Roll of the Scroll”, by Carl Armstrong, P.O.Box2000, Suite 16A, Alvin, Texas, 77511, sent to us quite recently, and with whom we have since corresponded.)
“Thank you for your recent P.Ts dealing with the subject of pre-existence. I found these articles both intellectually fascinating as well as a source of spiritual edification. It is always exciting when the Holy Spirit brings to light truths that have lain unrecognised for ages. I found that understanding pre-existence provided a framework or context with which I could better understand my life. Many Christians unknowingly seem to have the subconscious conception that the time, place and family we are born into is a result of natural causes. But pre-existence helps me to realise that out of all the places and times in history that God could have placed me in, He specifically chose to put me here because He knew that this is where I could best serve Him. Sometimes people may think their lives are not very purposeful compared with the lives of famous saints, yet if we see our life on earth like a specific “mission trip” that God sends us on, then the only thing that matters is to follow what He shows us to do in life, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem. Thank you again for the work you have done on this subject in order that those such as myself may be blessed. The facts you have uncovered fully convince me that the doctrine of pre-existence is true. (Letter from R.P. Lincolnshire)