Followed by Kipling’s Poem, “The Gods of the Copybook Headings”
About 3500 years ago a man by the name of Moses walked the heights of a bare and rocky mountain waiting for divine revelation. When it came he presented it to the multitudes encamped below in the form of two stone tablets engraved with ten basic laws for mankind. Those laws were not only the guidance of God for assemblies of Israel, but an expression of the very nature and character of God Himself. The laws were by no means new, but the engraved tablets were an authoritative expression of them. And in the process of time since then, those laws have become the basis of the legal codes of many civilised nations.
About 2500 years ago a young man by the name of Daniel, of noble birth in the royal house of Judah, was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar and led away to Babylon. During the ensuing 70 years he received wisdom from God in fashion similar to that of Moses on the Mount. And amongst other things he saw visions of strange fabulous beasts depicting great world powers in times far distant to his day. And he understood that these beasts represented, not just the human powers, but dark spiritual powers behind that which is visible, manipulating mankind.
About 2000 years ago an old man by the name of John was sent into exile to the Greek island of Patmos, where he began to receive visions from God, and amongst these he saw an updated version of the fabulous beasts of Daniel’s visions. And no doubt, like Daniel before him, he quaked inwardly as he was shown not just the tapestry of future history, but the cosmic intelligences behind it, and he must have realised that a great cosmic battle was between the God of Moses, the One who gave the basic laws, and a conglomerate of warring factions determined to obliterate all law for their own nefarious ends.
About 90 years ago a man by the name of Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem (1919) in which he expressed in thinly veiled terms the way in which these fabulous beasts were doing their work. No one knows whether he had them in mind as he wrote, but clearly he had a prophetic eye. The world of his day had just tasted the bitter fruits of a world war, which itself was part of the schedule of events manipulated by those dark gods. What Kipling saw most clearly was the extreme importance of those ten basic laws for mankind, and how they were being eroded by other agencies. The laws of God in those days were often printed on the front and back pages of children’s copybooks, so that they could constantly read them and learn them. In modern parlance, these “Gods of the Copybook Headings” (as Kipling entitled his poem) were the ‘good guys’, unseen benevolent intelligences acting on behalf of God to express His character and create a law-abiding community within a Christian land. But Kipling also saw the nature of the ‘bad guys’, the “Gods of the Market Place” as he called them, his “smooth- tongued wizards”, those unseen malevolent intelligences who act on behalf of a corrupt spiritual empire whose purpose was wholly contained within one word – LAWLESSNESS. Furthermore he saw that this goal of lawlessness was being advanced in stages over the years by a pattern depicted by Darwin’s theory of evolution.
The purpose of this article is briefly to analyse the meaning of those things which surround us today, in terms of these fabulous beasts, these visionary monsters of Daniel’s and John’s revelations, and to show that society is not just in the hands of politicians and national and religious leaders, but is being manipulated by outside intelligences of superior power and cunning. As a result, we the authors, earnestly ask our readers to weigh these matters most carefully, as they affect each person in the land, and to appreciate the nature of the TWO GREAT DELUSIONS of these days.
THE TWO GREAT BEASTS. In brief, John saw the first beast rise from the sea and the second from the land. The sea-beast had seven heads and ten horns which were crowned, and names of blasphemy on its heads. The second beast, the earth-beast, we should today describe as ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothing’, having the voice of a dragon and possessing two horns. Finally John saw an image being built which was given life and made to speak volumes of deceit in a pompous manner.
These two beasts represent the two great delusions of today. The sea-beast is the DELUSION OF DARWIN, rising from the ‘primordial scum’ of the oceans, and the land-beast is the DELUSION OF DOGMA, rising from the corruptions of an earth-bound church. Together they have made an image which we call the MEDIA, which has a great mouth speaking deceit on the T.V.
THE BEAST THAT AROSE FROM THE SEA The sea-beast had seven heads and ten horns, and names of blasphemy on its heads. The beast itself is the whole complex system of evil, and its seven heads are progressive spiritual leaders, unseen governors of darkness who in turn manipulate the minds of men. The blasphemy on their heads speaks of the evil within their minds. It must be clearly understood that the original Greek word for blasphemy means ‘speaking evil things of God’ and is far more deadly than the mere expletives we so often hear in the mouths of those who know not God, however objectionable that may be. But what of the ten horns? In the Bible, horns always signify the actual power, and when they are crowned, as in this vision, it means that the power is actual and is operating. (In parallel human terms, we have in this country four ‘horns’, four political leaders, in Mrs Thatcher, Mr Kinnock, Mr Steel & Dr Owen, but at the time of writing in July 1986, only Mrs Thatcher is ‘crowned’.) These ten horns are also spiritual agencies, operating through human beings, and their assignment is to destroy the ten basic laws or commandments of God. Each agency has one particular law to destroy, to pervert or distort. These powers have been at work for a very long time, but we are now at a very crucial stage in their development, which has been working for the last 200 years.
During these last 200 years the sea-beast has employed a master strategy for the overthrow of law in the minds of men, and it has been brought about by gradual stages, in rather the same manner as the theory itself speaks of stages of ‘progress’. We are speaking of the theory of evolution, the theory which Kipling so cleverly wove into his poem, and which is recorded at the end of this article.
THE DELUSION OF DARWIN. Darwinism has today become established fact and wholly scientific in the minds of nearly everybody. This is not to say that the multitudes of ‘men in the street’ have tested the theory for themselves to see if it is genuine, but quite the majority of people seem satisfied to take things for granted when media pressure builds up sufficiently. But history shows that things are not always true just because the majority accept them. This is very much the case with Darwinism. Let it be said that science itself should be (and usually is) the noble pursuit of knowledge relating to the basic laws of nature (i.e. the counterpart of the basic laws of God.) But Darwin’s theory, first mooted by Count Buffon in about 1780, furthered by Lamarck, documented by Darwin, and championed by the godless Huxley family, has always been a dirty smudge upon the pages of science books. True scientists, men and women of integrity, do not believe in evolution because they know that there cannot be any truth in it. The author of these notes has academic qualifications in physics, mathematics and astronomy, and has himself done a considerable amount of private research into the origins of evolution, and has found all their premises to be false and utterly bankrupt. Likewise, in the realm of other branches of scholarship, Darwinism is rejected because of the clandestine way in which its proponents hide all the artefacts which do not favour their theory. Museum cupboards throughout the world are replete with things which ought to be heavily publicised, but the great wheel of evolution has now gained so much momentum that it seems nothing can stop it. Little known to its proponents, its days are numbered, and the momentum it possesses will be used to destroy itself.
The Delusion of Darwin has permeated the whole world. Throughout the globe there is no country that has not been poisoned by its false and evil teachings, whether communist or capitalist. Karl Marx found a glad friend when he read Darwin’s works, and testified in his writings to the way in which communism would use the theory to bring about the revolutions he planned. Lenin put it into practice in 1917 and it has remained enthroned there ever since. This is because Darwinism, when logically accepted, spells atheism and nothing less. Evolution is itself a ‘god of forces’, forces which work in matter, which they say and teach are strong enough to bring about all the life-forms we see around us. But Daniel was told of this lie 2500 years ago, when the visiting angel said (of the dark god behind all this) “He will not worship the god of his fathers, nor any god, but will worship and magnify the god of forces, a god which hitherto had not been known.”Newspapers may tell us yesterday’s news, but the Bible gives accurate assessments of tomorrow’s news. Communism and evolution go hand in hand, but it seems strange that the Western World should have promoted the theory so strongly. The reason is, however, clear enough. Mankind does not want to retain God in its knowledge, as Paul wrote to the Romans of his day, and it is just as true now as it was then. Hence the evolutionary theory provides men with just the excuse they desire, to throw away all restraint, and to provide themselves with a shield against conscience. If God exists, then clearly He demands attention from every living person, but if it can be proved that we came about by chance, by some selective process amongst molecules, then our ‘consciences’ are clear, and we can ‘do as we like’. This is the recipe for eventual anarchy, and it does not take great academic scholarship to witness just how close we have brought ourselves to that dreadful end.
But in the Western World the most curious phenomenon is the way in which Darwinism has not only been accepted, but also promoted by the churches at large. If evolution spells atheism, then not only should the churches reject it entirely, but they should be seen to be countering it at every turn, but no, Darwinism and Christianity have become strange bed-fellows. In this respect the sea-beast has already done its work, and has succeeded. But again, we must mention Daniel’s words, because this is exactly what the angel told him would happen. “He will trample truth underfoot and succeed in all he does, and do it effectively and with purpose.” Christianity has now become corrupt, and is largely fostering the work of the dark gods whose evil designs are very near to completion. Darwinism has become the greatest single tool in the hands of man’s enemy. He has used it to promote communism, he has used it to destroy the conscience, and he has enthroned himself within the church taking the place of God Himself.
THE UNDERMINING OF THE TEN BASIC LAWS OF GOD “You shall have no other gods apart from Me,”thundered the Divine Voice upon Mount Sinai, and Moses witnessed an earthquake, and all the encamped multitudes below wondered whether Moses had lost his life. Straightway they started to build a golden calf to worship, the very antithesis of what Moses was receiving from God. And so it has been ever since in one form or another, but now in these end days the sea-beast has his own mouthpieces in the temple of God, and on the T.V. men worship evolution as they are gently and graciously nudged along by the enormously popular and highly rated productions such as “Life on Earth”, assisted by the ever winsome and personable character of David Attenborough. Here is the worship of the Creature rather then the Creator, which is the linchpin of the great evolutionary wheel. And the subtlety of this delusion is not normally appreciated without some mental effort at comprehension. Not only does God become literally dethroned, but the doorway is thrown wide open for the corruption of all ten basic laws. And not only are men being taught to ignore the basic laws, but they are even being encouraged to reverse them, corrupt them, and pervert them, as we shall see.
“You shall not commit adultery” no longer means just that. It has now extended its sphere of influence. Man has not only allowed the law to fall into disuse, but he has fostered the manufacture of various forms of contraceptives whereby the UNMARRIED can enjoy the pleasures of sex without the usual fear of pregnancy. This is a ‘convenient’ method of by-passing the requirements of God’s law, and substituting in its place the ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT, “You shall not be found out.” In such a manner is the law of God made into a mockery by modern science and technology with its contraceptives and pills. Furthermore, the minds of men are continually besieged by the apparently benign teachings of those who foster population control. This aspect when properly understood, says that God is not the Author of life, but it is just a physical happening based upon our evolutionary development. The Bible teaches that EVERY HUMAN BEING has a God-given personality which does not perish at death, and this is diametrically opposed to all forms of evolutionary dogma.
But this is not the end of the line. Not only are we being encouraged to commit adultery (Kipling wrote of the brave new world where we begin by loving our neighbour and end by loving his wife!), and indulge in promiscuous sex outside marriage, but we are recently being bombarded with the news that homosexuality is just another expression of natural urge. Even within nature, we do not find such perversion as is allowed within the human race. Since 1955 we have shamefully legalised homosexuality. Years ago such men were called Sodomites by society, and buggers by common speech, but these days such perverts have graduated through the ranks of being ‘queer’ to that of being ‘gay’. Here then is a word which cannot any longer be used by most people, because it has itself been perverted. In the final analysis, the theory of evolution has promoted this explosion of evil, because all the restraints of God’s law have been removed. Darwin removed man’s conscience, and since then man has allowed himself the licence to do as he pleases. But the judgment of God is arriving. Just as syphilis began to consume those who practised free sex, so now the dreaded AIDS virus is eating into the homosexual communities, and there appears to be no remedy.
“You shall not commit murder” is a law which the average man would still uphold. But stop and think for a moment. With legislation as it is at present, we say in effect, “If you must commit murder, and if you are unlucky enough to get caught, it will mean ten years inside.” The law of God was such that the murderer must pay with his own life. But today we worship THIS life so much that we dare not terminate it at any cost. If only people realised that the murderer who paid with his life is saved from an even worse plight beyond death they might not campaign so vigorously against the death penalty, but evolution teaches us that we have life only in this scene, and therefore we must preserve it as long as possible for once it has gone it has gone, and there is nothing else. But this is by no means the only curse today. In recent years we have legalised mass murder in the tinsel-wrapping of another word, ABORTION. According to recent information received we are advised that no less than TWENTY MILLION BABIES are aborted every year, an annual figure which exceeds the total number of people killed during the second world war. Photographs of garbage bins showing tiny limbs of babies have been presented to the American public, and have triggered an outcry in parts, but although horrific we feel that such evidence should be more widely distributed in order to shock people out of their sleep. What happens to these bins full of aborted foetuses? Currently there is a brisk trade in two directions. Lorry loads of them are reported to be heading towards the major French beauty firms, where ‘animal collagens’ are in great demand for enlivening the facial tissues of elderly wrinkled women who have nothing better to think about. But vast quantities of foetal flesh is fed to the pigs, so that in due course it could be said that we eat our own offspring in the breakfast bacon. We are sorry if our manner of speech is offensive to some readers. But if these facts were properly known and digested, perhaps far more ordinary people would start to campaign against, not just abortion, but evolution, which is the REAL issue at the bottom of all these current assaults upon the laws of God.
“You shall observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy.” God gave the Sabbath to man for his own good, not to tie him down and make him miserable. The word Sabbath means ‘rest’ in Hebrew, and man deserves a day of rest and recreation one in seven. Those who have important jobs to do on the Sabbath, of a type that cannot be commuted to another day, can easily adopt another day of the week for their rest, and thereby keep the essence of the law of God. But by present opinion and practice we have thrown this gift of God back in His face, and said in effect, “I will do just as I please, whenever I want.” The god of commerce, with its twin horns of sport and pleasure, has replaced the God of gods who asked that man should keep the Sabbath day HOLY, in other words a day when by relaxation and rest, one might more easily and pleasurably turn to the contemplation of divine things. But if Darwin tells us that there is no God, then why have a Sabbath day to think about Him?
“You shall not steal” may still seem to operate in the law courts of this land as a well-respected principle, and indeed the man in the street has a general respect for the law simply because he does not want anyone else to rob him of his possessions, but when one moves into the higher echelons of society, this law becomes blurred at the edges. The high street banks ignore the law altogether. When banks first started they were the ‘safe boxes’ of men’s wealth, and the bankers would use portions of deposits to make loans to their clients, at an agreed interest rate. There was nothing intrinsically wrong with this as long as the process was controlled and not subject to greed. But the whole set up today is vastly different. The banks have established themselves in society in such a way that they make loans out of nothing! No money is withdrawn from their deposits at all! In fact no money is usually seen at all. Credit is allowed by the stroke of a pen, a ledger entry, and cheques are honoured by the bank up to the limit of the loan. For this service the bank charges a lot of interest. But the interest the bank receives is all stolen money, because it is levied on a vacuum. The bank does not touch its deposits in order to give the service to its clients. Hence the bank still receives interest on its own deposits, whilst at the same time receiving interest on the fraudulent loan! If people realised what was going on, they would all be rushing into the banking business, and issuing cheque books and loans!!!! The fact that the high street banks get away with this theft is based solely upon their lengthy establishment and assumed integrity. Here then is legalised theft wrapped up in a very respectable guise. And it is the avowed, and not all that secret, policy of the high street banks to encourage EVERY HOUSEHOLD IN BRITAIN to obtain loans, and thereby place themselves in debt. The reason now seems obvious. The more fraudulent loans they give, the more fraudulent interest they gain, and the end of the process is absolute power. AsAmschel Rothschild once said to his sons, “Let me issue the money and I care not who makes the laws.” Today his family seem to own about half the world! If theft can be legalised in the higher reaches of society in this gross manner, how can the man in the street be expected to remain honest in his lifestyle?
“You shall not bear false witness” has always been enshrined in the law courts by the oft-repeated oath, “I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” It would seem therefore that society holds truth in high esteem. But today we have a system whereby truth is washed away progressively by a very cunning technique. And this technique is the style of all the media without exception. On the surface they appear to be reporting factually, and if enquiry is made, this is usually found to be true. But there are methods by which the selective reporting of information puts a slant on the facts which insidiously injects erroneous judgment into the minds of readers, listeners, and viewers. It is done by careful editing, nuances of voice and expression, continual repetition of data etc., until the real truth is lost behind a cloud of falsehood. Many an individual has found this to be true after being interviewed by reporters, only to find that he has no subsequent means of redress afterwards.
Each item of sensitive news is presented in such a way that the desired angle is placed before the public. And as to the content of news bulletins, only those items which rank highest in the crime/disaster/tension/death/struggle/famine/sport, complex are given time-slots. In this way the public can be kept on a permanently low ebb, and expect relatively little from life, and continue their constant round of grumbling/complaining/bitterness/hatred, against the nebulous ‘they’ who are responsible for it all. Please believe us when we say that there is a great deal happening in the world which, if reported honestly, fully, and positively would begin to give people hope once again, and make them realise that we are living, not in a very terrible age, but in one where there is great hope and much to look forward to. But there are forces at work which do not WANT people to be positive, they do not WANT people to have hope, and most important of all, they do not WANT people to know and trust the God of our fathers. These are the faceless authorities who constantly monitor the input and output of news items, and decide what ‘diet’ to give the public. It is an organised campaign which has reached the stage where so much power is in their hands that none of us can do anything about it. If you doubt our word, please write to Mrs Mary Whitehouse, or read her autobiography, and you will soon be left in no doubt. How right the angel was when he told Daniel that this dark god will cast truth to the ground and stamp it underfoot. However, within a few sentences we find that his end comes suddenly and dramatically, and we believe that that event is just round the corner. This whole saga has almost run its course. We are a lot further through the sequence than most people realise.
“Do not covet” has gradually been replaced by “Make sure that you keep up with the proverbial Joneses”. Modern advertising, promoted by the banking empire, is a cleverly devised and cunningly presented device for encouraging people to covet what they cannot afford, do not need, and should not be wanting. Magazines, newspapers, and television abound with glitter, and mail-order catalogues are saturated with items to lure people into parting with their meagre resources. The result is that temptation is rife, and the population at large does nothing to protest at the evil because unconsciously they know that it is yet another snowball that has grown too large to stop on its catastrophic downhill run to economic ruin for all. Once again we have to say that covert intelligences are at work behind the scenes, and they know exactly where they are going, and what they are driving at, and it is YOUR destruction. They have no heart for mankind. They treat us human beings as though we were so much cattle, made only to be slaughtered for their feasts of evil. We wish that this language was hyperbolic, but sadly it is the unvarnished truth. Working for these spiritual dark gods there are groups of power-hungry humans who are so blind that they cannot see that they themselves are being manipulated in the same way that they manipulate human society. But a day will soon be here when God will judge and condemn the whole system, and we desire that enough warning be given to the inhabitants of this land before the crash comes, so that as and when possible, individuals may quit the gaudy plastic scene of artificiality and return to common sense, peace with God, and law-abiding family life.
“Honour your father and mother” has almost died a natural death at the hands of philosophers and psychologists. The names of Rousseau, Freud, Jung, and Spock come to mind. Within the family circle in the 20th century there has been no greater force of evil than that of the writings of Dr. Spock, whose advice on the bringing up of children has led to an almost total breakdown in relationships. No wonder that the Old Testament prophet Malachi, in his last prophetic words, said, “In the last days God will send Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes, and he will incline the hearts of the children to the fathers and the fathers to the children, lest another curse be let loose upon the earth.” Has there been any time like the present when Elijah is sorely needed? And when he comes, will he and his message be recognised? And if it is recognised, will families revert to reverence and true filial discipline once again? The evil of which we speak has of course travelled far and wide outside the home, because that which starts in the family setting ends up in society, and is responsible for many social evils. Men are often seen to be emasculated, women often un-feminine and offensively dominant, and their children more and more unruly. Teaching in schools has never been more like the law of the jungle. The author of these lines has himself suffered in this direction as a teacher, and has tasted the wretchedness of a nervous breakdown as a result of it. Only last week legislation was passed banning the use of corporal punishment in British schools, and very soon we shall be brought to our knees in civil anarchy. Long before caning was banned children used to look upon it as an act of revenge/classroom warfare/hatred/viciousness, because they had not been brought up in the home to know the true meaning of punishment in its positive and health-giving capacity. But discipline in the home is a well tried and wholly satisfactory Biblical principle advocated by God Himself for the good of children and society at large. In throwing it out of the window because Darwin finds no place for it, we bring ourselves to the place of lawlessness and anarchy, and in the end it leads to destruction.
In summary so far, we must state again that the theory of evolution has made all this terror and uselessness possible in a way which would never have been achieved by any other means. It was a master stroke of the dark gods. With the coming of almost universal T.V., the world has been reduced to a global village, and few are free of the evil influences that emanate from the great cities of the world. Darwinism releases man from guilt. God’s ten basic laws produce a sense of guilt whenever we break them. Man hardly even knows what they are any more. But we must return to sanity, and start to use our brains again. Man differs markedly from the animals in so many ways, but one of the most telling is seen in the realm of CONSCIENCE. Laws make lively consciences; Darwinism destroys consciences.
We have examined seven of the basic 1aws, and these are the ones which may best be called the HORIZONTAL LAWS, because they deal with man’s relationship to man. But the first three of these ten laws are VERTICAL LAWS, because they deal wholly with our relationship with God. These must now be examined. They have been kept distinct from the other seven because their destruction was assigned to the dark gods who belong to the second beast, the land-beast.
THE LAND-BEAST, AND THE DELUSION OF DOGMA. The land-beast is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It claims to be religious, and to represent the true God, but in reality it is just another presentation of the first beast, dressed up in acceptable guise, to fool those who go to church but do not know or study their Bibles. Quite the majority of Christendom today has fallen under the spell of this beast, and quite the last thing we recommend to the man-in-the-street is to go to church to find an answer to the problems presented in this paper. Many may be surprised to read this, knowing that we advocate a return to faith in God, but unhappily we cannot ask our readers to go back to church. Rather do we advocate that they read their Bibles at home, and pray to God, even if they have never done so before, asking for enlightenment and wisdom to know what to do. All over the land there are Bibles, old Bibles, new Bibles, unwanted dusty Bibles sitting on shelves in spare rooms, just waiting to be read again. Would to God that they were dusted down, opened and read again. We ourselves have been Christians for many years, nearly 40 in fact, but just for the records, we are not members of any particular church or denomination, neither are we Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, or members of any other sect. Our faith is in the great redemptive work of Jesus Christ at Calvary, and upon His promises we know that we have new life in His name, and in our hearts we have a peace which this world cannot know, a peace which comes from a knowledge of sins forgiven through the shed blood of the Man Christ Jesus. It is here, and here alone that we desire to point our readers, for this is today’s answer to an age of lawlessness.
The false-lamb was seen to have two horns. And the church at large today has two horns, the Roman Catholic and the multi-fragmented Protestant. In the world they are of almost equal size. The leaders of this religious complex express their Dogma through the Media-mouth, the T.V., and are encouraged to do so because they do not interfere with the progress of the sea-beast and its work, in fact we are told that the land-beast speaks with the voice of a dragon. And in recent days the voice of this dragon has been heard loud and clear across this land in the mouth of the pompous swelling profanities of Dr. David Jenkins, Bishop of Durham. First he denied the virgin birth, then the resurrection, and more recently he has advocated the closure of all church schools, and last Sunday he preached in the York Minster saying that the New Testament is quite unreliable if we were looking for hard facts, and only useful as a compendium of religious opinions of two millennia back. People seem to think that the church has suddenly gone mad, but this is not the case. There is nothing sudden about it at all. It has been gradually losing its way and destroying its own foundations for over a century, perhaps even longer. The Jenkins phenomenon is only new inasmuch as the man has a loud mouth, is fond of his own theories, and likes to gain publicity. Pollsters have ascertained that well over 50% of the Bishops in the Anglican Church think the same way as Jenkins. Only a church that has lost nearly all of its sense of purpose would be willing to tolerate such evil in the mouths of its top-echelon professors. But the work of the dragon has now reached such an advanced stage that he knows he can let all this filth loose without fear of losing his key men. Other churches have their own particular brand of faithlessness, even if it isn’t quite the same as that of Jenkins.
Why does the land-beast get away with so much these days? Daniel was told the answer 2500 years ago. He was shown a time when ‘lawbreakers would come to the full’ and this would trigger the release of dark gods who would be on the look-out for ‘those who break the covenant’ (i.e. the ten basic laws), and thus ‘he will enter on the fattest places of the province and sweep all away like a flood because he will gain power through the multitude of transgressions, casting truth to the ground and trampling it underfoot.’ In other words, we of the ‘church’ are more responsible than anyone else for the present state of affairs. Let all those who read these words, and who consider themselves Christians, and attend a place of worship each Sunday, realise the import of what has just been said. The prophet Daniel gave clear and incontrovertible evidence that the people of God would, in the last days, depart radically from true faith, and in doing so they would trigger off the most terrible work of Satanic forces ever to be unleashed upon this planet. And God will hold us all responsible for what has happened. You who read this paper, and we who write it, are all alike under judgment at this very moment in time because of the miserable state this land is in. And unless we repent as a people and a nation there can be no healing.
Modern prophets have spoken of dread diseases that are soon to come upon the land (perhaps AIDS is one of them) and other punishments from God for the way in which we have turned our backs on Him this century. One spoke of God giving us rulers who would take the country almost to the point of utter ruin. Are we not almost at that point now? Yes, we are all responsible for the trouble, and the church must wake up to the fact. God has even SHOWN His displeasure with Dr Jenkins by sending a mighty thunderbolt out of a clear sky to destroy the Minster roof at York, but only a few have accepted the sign and acted on it. There is also some reference to his own home being burned down by similar activity, but it is getting increasingly difficult to obtain accurate data. No doubt the authorities are trying to cover everything up, rebuild the roof of the Minster, and try to forget the whole unfortunate thing. A similar event occurred on Christmas Eve in 1974, when the town ofDARWIN was completely destroyed by a Cyclone, in Northern Australia. The symbolic significance of this event is quite obvious. But man has now rebuilt the town, and no doubt if the theory of evolution received a death-blow, man would try to build it up again, putting up a monument to the old one at the same time.
It is quite a popular publishing venture these days to write books on these monsters of prophecy, in Daniel and Revelation, and they all abound with theories as to the identity of the beasts. Some speak of the Roman Catholic church, others of Communism, and yet others of Zionism, Islam, and the Common Market or the Club of Rome. But where each of them fail is that this end-time effect is wholly global in its scope, and affecting every man on earth. To be told that the beast or the antichrist is a particular group is only to deflect responsibility on to someone else’s shoulders, and thereby the beast laughs because there is no power generated to destroy him. But the words of Daniel quoted earlier show conclusively that the beast’s power comes ONLY as a result of wholesale apostasy or defection from the truth. When this is understood, then it becomes the bounden duty of each man to return to the ‘Gods of the Copybook Headings’ before they return with terror and slaughter.
The land-beast came up after the sea-beast. Likewise the apostasy of the church has followed hard on the heels of the rise of Darwinism, and at all times is coupled to it. Today, if congregations heard the gospel preached in the power and accuracy of the early disciples of Christ, they would ask the preacher to be removed. This is because the nature of the gospel has been lost. Men have a form of faith, but they deny the power of it. Let us see how this applies to the first three commandments, or basic laws of the Mosaic code.
“You shall have no other gods apart from Me.” But modern church-life advocates that men should, as Christians, be encouraged to have good educations, be good sportsmen, have fine homes with all mod-cons, possess a variety of electronic marvels for their leisure, and own at least one car, and take expensive annual holidays abroad, especially those which take in the ‘Holy Land’ to help salve the conscience. All this may be summed up by the words ‘materialism’ and‘hedonism’ and what are these but another gods, to replace the gods of earlier times which were carved from wood and stone? The Bible sums up this type of activity by such statements as “Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God”, and“The love of money is the root of all evil.”
“You shall not carve any images of gods.” Clearly it is not wrong intrinsically to own a car, or a washing machine, or a house and garden. But the manner in which each of us TREAT these modern conveniences is certainly in question here. Some men worship their cars, others worship their homes and their gardens. Whereas once they would beautify them by DIY, now they pay others to do it for them. In this way God is robbed of the affection that He so clearly deserves.
“You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.” We have already mentioned the meaning of blasphemy, and we have seen that those who speak evil of God only thereby increase the power of the dark gods. When so few people believe in God, and in Jesus Christ, these days it is amazing how many of them constantly have their Names in their mouths as expletives. But each time the Name of the Lord is taken in vain, so the negative influence is at work. But the work of men like Jenkins creates far greater power for the enemy. He tells us to stop believing in those things our forefathers were willing to die for, and frequently did.
The three dark gods who manipulate the minds of men towards the breaking of these three great vertical laws receive the worship that rightly belongs only to God. They live off the energy of disobedience, corrupting those who disobey, until they destroy them. This is the nature of spiritual giants of darkness. But in more recent years there has been another in the dark heavenly regions who was jealous of these three, and himself grew to significance, and although a small and most despised being to begin with, yet quietly and almost unnoticed insinuated himself into the domain of these three, growing in power all the time, until he literally uprooted them. And at this juncture in time he sits in God’s temple, the body of God’s true people, and parades divine nature. He takes of the things of God and passes them on to mankind, tainted, spoiled, and defiled whilst he basks in the power he enjoys. But this will not be for long, for his end is near. There are those on earth right now who have rumbled him, and are prepared to die in the cause of bringing him down. God knows, and although He has chosen to remain silent, a moment of sudden and devastating intervention is imminent, and will take all mankind by surprise. When this moment arrives the massive and filthy kingdom of darkness will fall like a great space-craft soaring upwards but which suddenly explodes and to the horror and perplexity of all who watch, will plunge earthwards into the sea, and will never rise again. Man will bewail that great catastrophe, as he sees all his materialistic aspirations for the future die a sudden death. Truly the ‘gods of the copybook headings will have returned’.
The corruption of Christianity has been the main goal of this vast dark complex of evil in the heavens. It has worked so well. Christians have without thinking being willing to accept Darwin instead of God, while at the same time imagining that they are still worshipping God. But their worship has all the time been siphoned off and ‘enjoyed’ by the other side. Man has read the gospel, and partly understood it, but has been beguiled by these giants into thinking that he can have the pure things of Jesus Christ and mix them with the ‘good things’ of the luxurious materialistic world. But God hates a mixture, and in Revelation tells John that He will ‘spew them out of His mouth’. The absolute force of that statement leaves one aghast. “I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm (i.e. a mixture of the two) I will spew you out of my mouth.” True Christians the world over, who have rejected the gold and the glitter of the false christs are forever being misunderstood, excommunicated, dis-fellowshipped, rejected, persecuted, tortured, and killed, depending on where they live. For 2000 years it has been this way. It has not changed.
But the ‘gods of the copybook headings’ are still thundering out their laws, and one of them says, “The wages of sin is death.” And another says, “It is given to man once to die and after that the judgment.” But the media-mouth has removed the fear of these things, and promised us a good time here while we live if only we follow their guidance. Darwinleaves man with no alternative. He says, “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” And it has been recorded that even Darwin died. But what was he like on his death-bed? This man who was brought up in a Christian home, but who gradually evolved his theories of godlessness? It is recorded that he was greatly afraid of dying. Suddenly, with the onset of death, he became aware that there was something else beyond, and it troubled him greatly, in the same way that it troubles many as they approach that inevitable moment. What lies beyond?
These days thousands of people are being resuscitated by courtesy of modern science and medicine. And these people who have, for a few seconds, or minutes, been ‘on the other side’ come back to this world with strange tales of passing through a dark tunnel and emerging into a very bright realm, where they met various beings, some of whom they recognised from their earthly sojourn, and others who were clearly the true inhabitants of the heavenly regions. Some even say that they saw angels and a few speak about amazing conversations they had with Jesus Himself. But the fact that the world over, people of all persuasions, all religions, all manner of backgrounds, are finding tolerably the same type of experiences ‘after death’ should shake us all into the cold sober truth that no matter how we may laugh it all off whilst we are here, whilst we are fit and healthy and enjoying life to the full, a day comes when it all has to be accounted for, when we are stripped of all our glitter, when we are parted from all our wealth, and when we are left with nothing but a panoramic picture of our life, set out before us to review dispassionately, and over which we shall weep with shame as we see the utter wastage of time and opportunity, chasing the dragons of darkness for their sport and our destruction. Our lives were given to us by God, not to dissipate upon ourselves and our love of pleasure, but to spend reverently for God’s pleasure. As the prayer book says,“The whole purpose of man is to know God and to enjoy Him for ever.” The Bible tells us with great clarity how this may come about for each and every individual.
As I pass through my incarnations in every age and race,
I make my proper prostrations to the Gods of the Market Place.
Peering through reverent fingers I watch them flourish and fall,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings, I notice, outlast them all.We were living in trees when they met us.
They showed us each in turn
That Water would certainly wet us, as Fire would certainly burn:
But we found them lacking in Uplift, Vision, and Breadth of Mind,
So we left them to teach the Gorillas while we followed the March of Mankind.We moved as the Spirit listed. THEY never altered their pace,
Being neither cloud nor wind-borne like the Gods of the Market Place;
But they always caught up with our progress, and presently word would come
That a tribe had been wiped off its ice-field, or the lights had gone out in Rome.With the Hopes that our world is built on they were utterly out of touch,
They denied that the Moon was Stilton; they denied that she was even Dutch.
They denied that Wishes were Horses; they denied that a Pig had Wings.
So we worshipped the Gods of the Market Who promised these beautiful things.When the Cambrian measures were forming,
They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed they sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “Stick to the Devil you know.”On the first Feminian Sandstones we were promised the Fuller Life
(Which started by loving our neighbour and ended by loving his wife)
Till our women had no more children and the men lost reason and faith,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “The Wages of Sin is Death.”In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”Then the Gods of the Market tumbled, and their smooth-tongued wizards withdrew,
And the hearts of the meanest were humbled and began to believe it was true
That All is not Gold that Glitters, and Two and Two make Four
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began:-
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wobbling back to the Fire;And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return!