Arthur writes – A few years ago I found a sore growing on my right ear that would not heal. No matter what I tried, nothing worked. Eventually I visited my local doctor, who arranged for an appointment at the Lincoln Hospital. In the out-patients’ department they took a biopsy, and when I next visited, they told me I had a squamous cell carcinoma, a form of cancer, and that it would have to be cut out. This meant slicing away a part of my ear , but as it was put to me, “you’ll still have enough ear to hang your glasses on!” The biopsy had shown the presence of cancer, not just in the visible sore, but also in the surrounding flesh, so that the portion of ear needing to be removed was greater than I had anticipated. They left me with three options, two in connection with the degree, and manner, of surgery they could offer, and the third an alternative method of treatment using radiotherapy in the form of an electron beam, requiring ten visits. We came away saying that we’d like to think it over. None of these options gave me much joy.
We then decided to contact our specialist doctor, who advocates healthy means of treatment. He merely said that such ulcers usually grow in a lazy sort of way, and that it would be better to have the operation now rather than wait, and then have to have a greater portion of the ear removed. That didn’t give us much hope.
We gathered all our “troops” and the men of the fellowship decided to lay hands on me, according to the passage in James, and pray that the ulcer would be healed. Nothing happened immediately, nor for quite a while, and true to the word, the ulcer began to grow in size until it was about one centimetre in diameter. It developed into a small mound, with a head shaped like a cauliflower, which hurt when touched, bled when knocked, and constantly made a mess on my pillow at night. The problem caused me a lot of mental stress for a while, as I tried to come to terms with what might have to be done. But I left making a decision, even though the hospital phoned on several occasions wanting to know which form of treatment I had chosen. Then the Lord said to me, “Wait, and see what I will do”
Then about nine months ago I remembered an old friend once telling me, years ago, that apple pips were a natural preventative/cure for cancer. At the time I just stored the information in the back of my mind, having no need for such advice in practice. Well, I thought, let’s give it a try. So all the family kept the pips from the apples they consumed, and I started having these ground up with my breakfast cereal each day. At the same time Rosalind found in another alternative medicine book that various vitamin supplements were helpful so I took these as well. Sure enough, they managed to stay the growth of the sore, and in fact gave me some relief from the pain. But it was a very slow process. No matter, the important thing was that something positive was happening, and so we persisted.
More recently, we learned that apricot kernels contained a stronger form of the substance in the pips, that was responsible for the healing, and I was recommended to take seven kernels each day, coupled with a generous amount of fresh pineapple to supply needed enzymes. The result of this has been quite astonishing, because the sore has rapidly decreased, the “cauliflower head” has disappeared, with new flesh showing all round, and at the moment there is only a small amount left, about the size of a pin head. All the weeping has stopped, and the pain has eased away. So God has answered those prayers, even though it was not in a “dramatic” fashion.
We later found that it was the cyanide content within the pips and kernels that attacked the cancer. Apparently the cyanide, in the form of vitamin B17, or leatrile, attacks only cancer cells, not healthy cells. The pineapple juice assisted the action of the B17. I have written to the doctor at the hospital, giving him the information about my healing, and when he wrote back he was very interested, saying that he would like to see me in February.
From what we have read, it seems that cancer is a “deficiency disease”, much like scurvy. There is no “cure” for scurvy, because it is the result of vitamin C deficiency, a disease that attacked sailors in days gone by. The scurvy disappears when the sufferer is given generous amounts of green vegetables, and Vitamin C supplements. Likewise with cancer, if the body lacks sufficient Vitamin B17, it is unable to sustain health as it should be, and a cancer develops. One hundred years ago about three people in a hundred contracted cancer. Today it is about one in four! That shows how degenerated our diet has become, as a result of pesticides, unnatural fertilisers, and other modern agricultural techniques, where wealth takes precedence over health. We were appalled to read that inAmerica some time ago, there was a ban placed on the sale of apricot kernels, at the behest of the pharmaceutical companies. We think that ban has been removed. Such big business empires cannot possibly allow people to be healed by such simple processes as eating kernels. This is the worst side of the cancer problem. It is Satanic. We also learned that a survey was done, the results of which showed that people of Seventh Day Adventist persuasion were 50% less likely to contract cancer as the rest of the population. This results from their following the advice of their founder, Ellen G. White, in her health books. [As an aside here, having read the SDA formulation, we cannot agree with EGW’stheology on foods, but uphold many of her proposals for healthy living.]
I am thrilled to be able to testify of the efficacy of this simple cure for cancer, and hope that it may be of value to other sufferers. Perhaps the Lord allowed it to happen to me, so that the “cure” could be found and advertised. But I must emphasise that the word “cure” is a bit of a misnomer. With deficiency diseases, the condition automatically disappears when the body is supplied with the correct diet, plus those extras (like the kernels) which make up for the deficiencies in modern foods. There are many foods which supply B17 but our diets don’t necessarily provide us with it in such quantity as once it did.
Update. March 2008
Over the last six years I have had many enquiries about my healing, and the progress since then, together with requests for further information. I would like to say that by the grace of God there has been no recurrence of the cancer on my ear, nor any sign of other growths over my body. However, as a precautionary measure, I have continued to take between 7 and 10 apricot kernels each day with my fruit breakfast. Having spoken to my GP recently, I have learned that another of his patients adopted the Vitamin B17 procedure with kernels. He also found that the cancer dried up. But the sad part was that it returned after a time, and according to the doctor, he never continued with the kernels. So it seems necessary to continue this treatment as a prophylactic measure.
Concerning the apricot kernels, they may be obtained in Britain from the Julian Graves chain of health food stores. They supply them in 250 gm bottles, and when purchased, a leaflet is also given with instructions. This is where a problem could arise, because of the warning notice found in red, as follows.
Warning: use as directed. Do not exceed stated quantity – eat no more that 2 kernels in a 24 hour period. Seek medical advice if taking prescription medication or if the stated quantity is exceeded.
Such warnings tend to strike fear in those who have little or no knowledge of the working of these kernels. To be quite frank, I see the warning as something that has been forced upon the company by the pharmaceutical industry, which tries to prevent any treatment of cancer other than that advocated by them. In this way they tend to control medicine according to their own dictates, which in turn always revolve around their financial empires. They know that if people kept to the stated dose, it would serve absolutely no useful purpose, and would in effect be a total waste of money. (The kernels are not cheap.)
Don’t be frightened of these warnings. I have read of people who have had quite serious cancer growths, so serious that even the hospitals have given up on them, but as a “last resort” have turned to apricot kernels, and imbibed 30 or 40 a day. In one case a man took 75 kernels in a 24 hour period, and it worked!
My own intake of between 7 and 10 each day as a prophylactic has served me well for the last six years, and I mention this particularly because I have suffered absolutely no bad effects from it, indeed, I firmly believe that it has continued to prevent the growth of any further cancer cells.
The address for Julian Graves is as follows. Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 7FT. If you do not have a store in your vicinity, you can always order them by post from this address.