Have you noticed in the last few years how militant certain groups are becoming? Take for example the so-called “gay lobby”. Ever since the law has allowed homosexual behaviour (just 50 years ago) there has been a growing pressure from activists, not only to try to make their position acceptable to the public, but more recently to bludgeon their way into life so forcibly that there is a danger of them becoming a dominant force in the world. Whereas they represent less than 1% of the public, they are forcing legislation through Parliament (in the U.K.) which, if ratified, would for example cause Christian Guest Houses to be shut down if they refused a double bed for the night to two practising homosexuals. This is just one of the danger areas which we have had to present to our M.P. prior to the reading of the Equality Act 2006, which contains “Sexual Orientations Regulations.”
However, there is another area of life which is showing these unrestrained militant tendencies. I refer to the Darwinian Evolutionists. In the past there has been a lot of heat generated between Evolutionists and Creationists, but generally speaking it has been no more than an on-going debate between proponents of differing philosophies. But just recently the atmosphere has changed, and we have seen to our dismay that Evolutionists have begun to take a far more vicious stand against the “lunacy of Creationism”, as one man put it in today’s news. We have wondered whether there is a definite link between these two areas. Does the eradication of belief in God (as presented by Evolutionists) strengthen the case for sexual perversions of one kind or another? We think this to be a distinct possibility.
Having opened this article in this manner, I would now like to comment on a book I have been reading, written by Michael J. Behe, entitled “Darwin’s Black Box.” (1996) Behe is a Biochemist, and although he is not a practising Christian, he subtitles his book “The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution.” I am quite aware that some creationist literature leaves much to be desired, not only from a scientific viewpoint, but also (sadly) from the emotive manner of presentation. But equally, the other side has been responsible for uncharitable mockery in presenting evolution. But here is a book that speaks about happenings on a sub-microscopic level, things that Darwin could never have known about 150 years ago. I read the book with growing fascination and wonderment as this gifted author took us on a tour of the world that exists within cells, and the increasing number of mechanisms that he calls “irreducible complexity”, where dozens, or even hundreds of separate “parts” in the delicate machinery all work together to render a life-process possible. Behe argues lightly but convincingly that even if one of those many parts failed in its operation, the whole process would fall down. He declares emphatically, and repeatedly in his writing, that Darwin’s assertion about many little steps from A to B creating a new function in an organism, is totally impossible at the micro-biological level, which is the level at which all life-forms function. He tells us that it is only in the last few decades, with the advances in biochemistry at the DNA level, that these conclusions have been possible.
David Berlinski, in reviewing the book, writes, “Mike Behe makes an overwhelming case against Darwin on the biochemical level. No one has done this before. It is an argument of great originality, elegance, and intellectual power. For readers who have been persuaded that biologists have long since demonstrated the validity of Darwinian theory,Behe’s observations are apt to be a source of astonishment. . . . No one can propose to defend Darwin without meeting the challenge set out in this superbly written and compelling book.” Personally I would like to say Amen to that reviewer’s remarks now that I have dipped into the text.
One of the functions that Behe examines in detail is the body’s ability to form blood clots. He shows that the mechanism is designed to operate only at the site of a break in the blood circuit, and then to act only until it has closed the gap. If the blood-clotting agency acted in a far more universal manner, then the whole of our blood stream would become one huge clot. These observations are of course common to us all, as we see it operating every time we cut ourselves. But Behe then descends into the cellular structure of the blood to examine the actual mechanism at work to ensure that these conditions are met. He uses simple analogical flow diagrams to help those of us who would be totally at a loss to follow highly complex biological functions, and he does it with wit and logic. I found it rather difficult to follow some of the process, simply because he was unable to complete his story without reference to complex biological language, and I am a physicist, not a biologist! However, no one could even skim-read such a chapter without reaching the clear conclusion that here is all the evidence of Intelligent Design.
All I can say is that anyone who wishes to have under their belt a superb text book to defend God’s Creative Ability, should obtain a copy of this book, published by the Free Press, Rockefeller Centre, New York, NY10020. The latest paperback edition is dated 2003. The ISBN number is 0-684-83493-6. Could it be that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises an ensign against him? In this case, God’s Creation is being impugned in a militant manner, and God has raised up a man who doesn’t write as a Christian, but who has the expertise to undermine the whole fabric of a theory that has become engrained in man’s mind through constant repetition over a century and a half.
Coming back to our first point, we have noticed that here in Britain there has been quite a surge of activity amongst believers to stand up and be counted in connection with the shocking rise of sexual perversions. Our son-in-law Robin Phillips now works for Stephen Green, the Director of “Christian Voice”, best known for his courageous stand against the blasphemous production known as “Jerry Springer.” Because of his contacts, and his attendance at the House of Lords last week in connection with the Euthanasia Bill, Robin has been able to ascertain a far greater knowledge of what is going on in this land. The loss of individual freedom being brought about by proposed legislation is quite alarming, and we hope that this brief article will be yet another clarion call to all those who stand for the Lord and His righteousness, to be active. Remember how the Religious Hatred Bill was overturned by just one vote, that of the absent Prime Minister! God works in mysterious, and sometimes quite humorous ways! Certainly this was an answer to much prayer. We thought our American friends would also be interested in this news bulletin. God bless you all.