Along the way in the chapters of this study we have seen two principles at work. Occasionally the Upper Hand of God is observed in the world (by at least some observant individuals), and then the Lower Hand of Evil is seen at work to thwart what God is doing.
In this world for nigh on 6,000 years God has been quietly, and almost unobtrusively collecting a small band of people together, “of whom the world is not worthy”, as it says in Hebrews, and these people will very soon now be placed in high positions of government over this world during the coming Kingdom of God. But alongside this work, another darker purpose has been attempting to establish itself. Its object is identical to that of the Lord, in other words, World Government, but those who have sought to establish universal sway over the nations have always fallen, been overtaken, or eventually died.
But in more recent years, the development of super-technology has made the vision of human world-government come within the grasp of a few individuals. In this chapter we shall refer to them as the PUPPET MASTERS, because there are a number of relatively unknown persons throughout the world who hold in their hands such phenomenal power that they are able to sit at the wheel and turn national rudders at will.
The dream of world government is a threefold exercise, political, financial, and religious. Of more recent times we have been regaled in the news with possibilities of there being a European Currency Unit, (the Euro). It is but a prelude to the establishment of a World Currency Unit (the WCU). The difficulty in establishing the first shows us thatthe second will take even more effort and energy amongst nations that do not see eye to eye with each other. But the WCU is already an objective in the minds of the Puppet Masters.
The political side of the world-government triangle has also appeared in the attempt to produce further legislation to the Treaty of Rome, signed in 1957. The so-called Maastricht Treaty is causing great tension amongst the 12 present member states of the E.C., because of its implications. But the process is powered from behind the scenes, and will eventually gain ground. Anyone who opposes it will be replaced. Mrs Thatcher was a prime example. And notice how John Major speaks about Maastricht. No matter how the vote goes in Parliament, he intends to implement the Bill. Why? Because he only has the position of Prime Minister on the understanding that he DOES JUST THAT. He is there to put into practice what the Puppet Masters have already arranged. [This is now history.]
The religious side of the triangle is one that attracts the least attention to the average man in the street, partly because of his own lack of interest in religion, and partly because the media don’t allocate as much lineage to that as the other two. But there is growing evidence that behind the struggles witnessed within, say, the Anglican church, there are people who are pulling strings. And this is why the Queen is being forced occasionally to act unconstitutionally, and why the Archbishop of Canterbury is being forced to introduce alien principles into the English Church. Oh, I know it’s easy to say that they shouldn’t give way, but hold their ground. But this is a power struggle, and the Devil knows exactly what price he must pay for the soul of each one of us. Nominally the Queen is head over all, but in every crisis someone else makes the decisions. On formal occasions she appears in her royal attire to deliver the tame, colourless speech put into her mouth by the real rulers of the country, in this case, her own ministers. But behind the two houses of Parliament are other bodies who exert far greater power, not just in our land, but world-wide.
Who are these universal mega-barons? In simple terms, they are the men who own the world, in terms of its currencies. They are the great mega-bankers, people like Rockefeller and Rothschild, the Baptist and the Jew. Think about it. He who pays the piper, calls the tune. No one in this world can do anything without money. The politiciansare mere servants of the bankers in the end. Way back in 1791 the first great banker of the Rothschild dynasty, said, “Let me control the issue of a country’s credit, and I care not who makes the laws.” This was Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) the German merchant banker, whose business in Frankfurt prospered during the Napoleonic wars, granting loans to the various combatants, and trading in high-demand goods such as arms, wheat, and cotton. He had five sons, each of whom established branches of the firm, four of them abroad, one in London, others in Vienna, Naples, and Paris.
In point of fact, a country should own and be in charge of its own money, rather than it being in the hands of individuals. But this is seldom the case. Reginald McKenna, a Governor of the Midland Bank, and one-time Chancellor of the Exchequer, said, “They who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of governments, and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.” Sir Joshua Stamp, one-time Director of the Bank of England, once said, “Bankers own the earth. Take it from them but leave them the power to issue credit and with a stroke of the pen they will make enough money to buy it all back!” And way back in 1875 the Lord Chief Justice of England said, “The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the People versus the Banks.”
We are supposed to belong to a great institution, known as the European Community, founded originally as a Common Market, where trade across national boundaries was made easier. If the exercise was working properly, then there should have been a proper distribution of wealth within the community. But instead one hearsof butter, beef, eggs, dried milk mountains, and wine lakes, of farmers being paid to destroy food in unwanted over-production. The people behind the scenes, behind the Brussels Eurocrats, couldn’t care less about equitable distribution of wealth. The Market was never designed to distribute anything. Its purpose was to be the beginning of a one-world empire, owned by the mega-barons. Let us investigate a little further.
In July 1972, at a mansion in the beautiful Pocantico Hills about 60 miles north of New York, an organisation was born. It was called THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Its purpose was to bring together the economic giants, the three largest groups, USA, Europe, and Japan. Pocantico Hills is owned and run by the five grandsons of the legendary oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. Heading the meeting was David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, and one of America’s wealthiest citizens. At his side was Zbigniew Brzezinski. Fourteen other men were present, all of them in powerful positions in the world of economics. Rockefeller and Brzezinski took it in turns to explain the purpose of the new Commission. It was to create the most powerful private body of men this world had ever known. They were to become the Kingmakers.
Since that time the T.C. has become in effect the Shadow Government of the Western world. Its members have held high office in government or are destined to become tomorrow’s world leaders. 225 of the world’s most influential men – bankers, industrialists, diplomats, academics, and senior politicians, have been members of the Commission. Their policy, put simply, is the global manipulation of economic policies.
But this isn’t the only high-energy grouping in existence. Another secret group exists, which antedates the Trilateral Commission by a number of years. It is the Bilderburg Group, formed in 1952 by Joseph Retinger, a Polish refugee in Britain. Its first meeting was in 1954. Try looking for information about either of these groups, and you will find great difficulty. A modern volume such as the new Macmillan Encyclopedia, with 1336 pages, contains nothing under these headings. The American journalist from whom I have drawn my information in this chapter is Robert Eringer. He spent four years in his search, and found closed doors at every turn. In June 1976 he wrote to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office to enquire about the Bilderburgers. Their reply was, “Unfortunately we can find no trace of the Bilderburg Group in any of our reference works on international organisations.” The White House, although admitting its existence, revealed that no records are kept of the meetings. But Eringer, by one means and another, was able to break through the barriers and obtain some records, all of which were marked “Strictly Confidential.”
In 1954, at their first meeting, it was agreed that “when the time is ripe, our present concepts shall be extended to the whole world.” The following year at their meeting in West Germany they recorded, “It was generally recognised that it is our common responsibility to arrive in the shortest possible time at a closely-knit European Common Market.” Two years later, in March 1957, the Treaty of Rome was signed by the governments of Western Europe. Six nation-states were involved. Now there are twelve, and four others are in process of applying for membership. Germany, the greatest economic unit, has now incorporated what was once East Germany.
Who then are the mega-barons that control nations from the conference tables of Bilderburg? One of the driving forces behind the group has, from the beginning, been David Rockefeller! Surprise, surprise! 120 members make up this group, and have included such public figures as Gerald Ford, Henry Kissinger, Walter Mondale, Cyrus Vance, Giscard d’Estaing, Helmut Schmidt, Hugh Gaitskell, Denis Healey, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Carrington, Sir Keith Joseph, and Sir Frederick Bennett, the wealthy Tory MP for Torbay, Devon, who for many years was an influential member of the steering committee of the Group.
In addition to these two groups, there exist other groups, all with overlapping purposes, for example, in the U.K. there is the “Royal Institute for International Affairs”; in America, the “Council on Foreign Relations”; and finally “The Club of Rome” about which it is very difficult to obtain information. Apparently its membership has made computer-models of the world, and divided it up into TEN REGIONS for the future management of world government. This much has been learned from a Report on the progress in the Strategy for Survival Project of the Club of Rome, dated September 17th 1973, by Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel, Directors.
All these shadowy figures, sitting in conference each year, assessing the progress of their dream – WORLD GOVERNMENT – could cause a sense of bitter chill to our souls, after all, the Club of Rome has apportioned the world into TEN regions, that might very well accord with the final kingdom of the beast in Daniel and Revelation. And the people who are behind all this are the financiers, and the number 666 is certainly bound up with money and the power of exchange.
What are we to say? Shall we allow these giants to intimidate us? The answer must be a resounding NO! Of course, none of us have a ghost of a chance of wresting the wheel out of the hands of those who hold it. None of us can steer the global ship into a safe haven. But to those who wait, and who pray, and who allow the Lord Jesus to be King of their lives, there will be a day, I believe very soon now, when the Judge shall take His seat, and judgment will be given to the saints of the Most High, and the Kingdoms of this world will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. This is the promise clearly given in Daniel, and it will most surely be fulfilled as soon as God has obtained the last member of His little flock, and all have been put through their discipleship training. Let us hold on. We shall not be disappointed. Remember, nearly all His little flock have now passed through the valley of this life and have died, not having received the promise. It remains therefore that to some, there will be a day when resurrection life will swallow up the death state, and they will be changed without experiencing physical death.
When this climactic event occurs, the Lower Hand will be cut off, the Illuminati and all the Black Magic organisations will be terminated by divine decree, the secret groups such as the Bilderburgers and the Trilateral Commission will be dissolved, and its members, now so highly placed, will find themselves the “tail” instead of the “head”. And theKingdom of God will arise like the sunshine on a clear spring morning, with its beautiful fresh blossoms and bursting buds, and the sound of bird-song.
The Lord Jesus suffered the cross, having seen the goal, the prize set before Him. Now He is seated in heaven with His Father. Likewise we must have a clear vision of the future with its Kingdom glories, so that we shall not be depressed, intimidated, and spiritually drained by all that is going on around us. Let us remember Paul’s words. “The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glories that shall be revealed in us.” Let us hold on to our hope until the end. The Lord who called us will be faithful. He will never let us down. Let us not let Him down, but show Him that we have understood all these things, have seen His hand at work in recent history, have understood the signs of the times, and will keep looking up, for our redemption is at hand. Let us pray for each other, that we may support each other during these days of trial, that those who are stronger may help and support those who are weaker, that we may bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.