My name is Daniel Lelong. As a child, I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. In the interim, I strayed into the ‘New’ Age movement, the smorgasbord religion that re-emerged from the hippie youth movement of the 1960’s.
As a psychology undergrad, I studied transpersonal psychology, used psychedelics, tried vegetarianism, fasted a lot, and took up the practice of raja yoga (Ashtanga, 8-fold yoga) according to Patanjali. Entranced, I left the drugs behind: meditation-induced altered states of consciousness became absorbing, and aroused curiosity about raja yoga’s supernatural powers. To put myself into a trance, I would cross my eyes and roll them up in my head, ‘attuning’ to a ringing in my ears. Questing, after a 3-day fast and a night of raja yoga practice (stretching, relaxation, breathing exercises, eye exercises, concentration, suggestion, and self-induced hypnotic trance) I was stricken with samadhi (satori, enlightenment). I say “stricken”, because under G-d’s righteous judgment my personality began a long, slow, frustrating, agonizing plunge into paranoia and depression, unrectified by expensive, powerful, prescription antihypnotic medications. Since, I’ve realized that ‘New’ Age spirituality does not relate to the holy G-d of Judaeo-Christianity by merely another name, but invokes inherently evil spirits. Friend, the ‘New’ Age movement is intensely destructive to personality: I caution you to avoid it!
The ‘New’ Age movement marginalizes Aristotelian logic, and mystically interprets the Bible, to justify what is ultimately creature-deifying witchcraft! Components of eclectic ‘New’ Age doctrine include pantheism (idolatry: ‘G-d is all, all are gods’) and monism(sorcery: ‘Mind is all, all is mind’). Intrinsic to ‘New’ Age religion is the induction of altered states of consciousness (trance, ASC). Supposedly, trance transcends the ego and removes ignorance about latent human deity, but actually it shuts down critical logical faculties, intensifying susceptibility to suggestion and persuasion by lying spirits. Many disciplines for entering ASC involve kundalini arousal (spiritual arousal). This typically results in temporary states of insanity, radical changes in the physical body, and possession by a spirit. About kundalini arousal, Swami Narayanananda said, ‘…many become insane, many get brain defects, and many others get some incurable diseases after deep sorrow.’ I hypothesize that linearity is the antithesis of trance.
Genocidal dictator Adolph Hitler, reportedly a vegetarian, while in Vienna, Austria before World War I, took mescaline, practiced yoga, studied astrology, and immersed himself in pagan Teutonic and Greek mythology. Hitler kept a thickly annotated copy of H.P. Blavatsky’s abominable book, “The Secret Doctrine” at his bedside, and many of his totalitarian, racist ideas were borrowed directly from it. Hitler opened himself up to Satan and was enlisted for the loathsome evil of World War II and the Holocaust. Heinrich Himmler, general of the Nazi SS, was also deeply involved in the occult and incorporated magic rituals into SS ceremonies.
The literature is replete enough with case histories of occult involvement resulting in physical or mental illness or sociopathic personality disorder. The one true G-d is so offended by men exalting themselves to ‘G-d hood’ that He grants demon spirits legal permission to torment those ‘enlightened‘ by occultism. The ‘New’ Age’s ‘ascended masters‘, who dictate occult knowledge to trance channellers (mediums), are actually fallen angels traitorous to the holy G-d of Israel, heaven and the Bible. These angels rebelled with Satan (Lucifer, Beelzebub, Pan) against the Creator, and were driven with Satan, by the archangel Michael and his angels, from the celestial heavens into the earth’s atmosphere.
To begin to rectify mankind’s plight, G-d became the man Jesus of Nazareth (Jesus the Messiah, Y’Shua haMoshiakh in Hebrew). “Jesus” is the Latinization of the Hebrew “Y’Shua”, meaning “Salvation.” Our righteous Messiah, Jesus, was born into a human “garment” in the land of Israel, in order to pay the price to make humanity acceptable to God. This Y’Shua said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me” (John 14:6). Thus, any modern man who proclaims himself synonymous with the Creator, or who forces his enlightenment without first entering into God’s “sheepfold” by “the gate”, Messiah Jesus, has in so doing declared himself a rival and competitor of [the Savior]!
If you are, or have ever been, involved in ‘New’ Age spiritual practices (includingaltered states of consciousness, trance channelling, kabala, astrology, magic, theosophy, hatha yoga, witchcraft, consulting mediums, raising kundalini, scientology, deep ecology, enlightenment, psychic powers, tinnitus absorption (Eckankar), attunement, crystal medicine, shamanism, psychedelia, animism (nature spirits), power totems, zazen, transcendental meditation (TM), yoga meditation, or chanting ‘a-u-m’, then let me fervently exhort you to desist, immediately and absolutely. These are each occultic pantheistic and/or monistic disciplines detested by the holy God of Israel, heaven and the Bible.
Jesus the Messiah, Y’Shua haMoshiakh said, “He that comes to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). Friend, if you have ever been involved in ‘New’ Age practices,you are CLAIMED by something far bigger, more vicious, cruel and dangerous than you ever imagined: you grasp a raging dragon by the tail! If you were ever involved in ‘New’ Age activities, you may still be susceptible and vulnerable; the amount of elapsed time is irrelevant without a conscious, sincere personal repentance.
Theosophy/Nazism : Theosophy, between 1875 and 1949, grew out of the wickedness of the Grand Orient Lodge of freemasonry through the demonic possession of several women: first Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, then Annie Besant, then Alice Bailey. These women variously wrote many volumes of extremely blatant occult literature that heavily influenced Adolph Hitler, who kept a thickly annotated copy of Blavatsky’s book, ‘The Secret Doctrine’, at his bedside. The theosophical writings were dictated by an ‘ascended master’ (i.e., a fallen angel), who supposedly spiritually evolved from manhood into co-equal government with God, and are full of bizarre notions of Aryan racial superiority, salvation by disciplined mind, anti-Semitism, occult enlightenment as the origin of all religion, et cetera ad nauseam. Hitler, a vegetarian, would have been called a ‘New’ Ager, were he to have lived in the 1990’s. Before World War I, in Vienna, Austria, as an art student, Hitler read theosophy, studied astrology, practiced yoga, immersed himself in pagan Teutonic and Greek mythology, and experimented with mescaline. He opened himself up to Satan and the fallen angels that motivated the theosophists and all occultists, and did Satan’s terrible cruelty against G-d’s chosen, the Jewish people. [End]