Way back in 1993 we published a special edition of “The Prophetic Telegraph,” consisting of some 72 pages. It was a collection of essays on many different topical subjects, entitled “The House of Windsor.” (It was No. 52 in the series, but was not included on our Website.) The title was chosen because two of the essays concerned the British Royal Family. We have now decided to change the title because quite the majority of the essays depict Judgement Scenes, Judgement that is NOT usually recognised, either by the World or (regretfully) by Christians.
Recently, in the United States of America, a book has been produced by John McTernan, entitled “God’s Final Warning to America.” It is published and distributed by Bill Koenig, of Koenig’s International News Service, and is available in the USA for $13.50. One should write to P.O.Box 671127, Dallas, Texas 75367. British orders should include another $3 for postage. This book is parallel to our present publication, inasmuch as both authors are seeking to enlighten people to the clear signs of God’s Hand of Judgement in this world. We wish to emphasise that this Planet is not like some awesome machine, out of control, hurtling down a ravine to inescapable destruction. Furthermore, God has not been away, attending to some other Galaxy for the last 2,000 years, unaware of the plight of mankind, with its self-destruct mentality. To those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to understand, there are manifold examples of His Hand of Judgement. In this book we plan to show some of these.
We shall be taking a somewhat unusual line, in highlighting events that would never normally hit the headlines with clear spiritual understanding, but in retrospect speak volumes about the Guiding Hand of God within the nations of the world. Surely, the future of our Planet can only be visualised in even its dimmest form, by attending to the way in which prophets of God have spoken in Bible times, coupled with the shaping of events in the modern world.
Each chapter of this study is a cameo sketch in its own right. Clear spiritual vision will enable the child of God to recognise the “Upper Hand” at work in the Warp and Woof of History, not just the subtle undercurrents of the “Lower Hand”. Then it will be appreciated how near is the establishment of God’s (visible) Kingdom on Earth.
“There must indeed have been a blind soul who cannot see that some great purpose and design is being worked out here below, of which we have the honour to be the faithful servants. It is not given to us to peer into the mysteries of the future. Still, I avow my hope and faith sure and inviolate that in the danger to come the British and American peoples will for their own safety and for the good of all, work together side by side in majesty, in justice, and in peace.”
[Winston Churchill, to the United States Congress, 26th December 1941, at a time of dire need and necessity in the 2nd World War. The words have been carved in stone in Washington Cathedral.]
Some of our essays will be of particular interest to a British audience, others to our American friends. But our vision must also look wider than either nation.
Arthur & Rosalind Eedle
August, 2001