After the resurrection, the Twelve Apostles preached a Risen Christ. Their message was about Repentance, and the acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah. Added to this, they made known the power of the Holy Spirit, available to all who believe, whereby one may have power to walk a life well pleasing to God.
But God had another purpose in mind, over and above all that the Apostles were preaching, and to make it known He chose Saul of Tarsus, and sent him away into Arabia to be alone, and to obtain a revelation that had never been known before. This revelation concerned the Headship of Christ over all creation, both in heaven and upon earth. Furthermore, it revealed God’s plan to redeem all mankind. Whereas Adam was the head of all previous humanity, Christ, as the Second Adam became Head over all. When He died, the whole of Adam’s race, past, present and future, died with Him. Their sins were laid upon Him, and no longer imputed to mankind. This is a spiritual truth, waiting to be revealed to all. Some understand it in this life, others later.
Paul reveals this teaching by the use of a series of 19 Greek words that either have the prefix SUN- added to them, or SUN CHRISTO, showing how we are to be IDENTIFIED WITH CHRIST. (The Greek preposition, or prefix, SUN, means “together with.”) None of the other NT writers use this type of language. The chart has listed all these occurrences, showing God’s remedial plan operating IN CHRIST, as we are taken down into His death, raised to life, and then given the promise of further blessing under certain conditions.
- I am crucified with Christ. Rom.6:6 Gal.2:20 Sustauroo
- Made conformable to His death. Phil.3:10 Summorphoomai
- Planted together in the likeness of His death. Rom.6:5 Sumphutos
- Died with Christ. Rom.6:8, Col.2:20, 2 Tim.2:211. Sun Christo
- Buried with Him. Rom.6:4 Sunthaptomai
- Made alive with Christ. Eph.2:5, Col.2:13 Suzopoio
- We shall live together with Him. Rom.6:8, 2 Tim.2:11 Suzao
- Your life hidden with Christ in God. Col.3:3 Sun Christo
- Raised with Him. Eph.2:6, Col.2:12 Sunegeiro
- Fellow-citizens of the household of God. Eph.2:19 Sumpolites
- A Joint Body. Eph.3:6 Sussoma
- Built together into a dwelling place. Eph.2:22 Sunoikodomeo
- Joint heirs. Rom.8:17, Eph.3:6 Sunkleronomos
- Joint Partakers. Eph.3:6 Summetokos
- Fashioned together into His likeness. Rom.8:29, Phil.3:21 Summorphos
- Seated together with Christ. Eph.2:6 Sunkathizo
- Reign together with Christ. 2 Tim.2:12 Sumbasileuo
- Glorified together. Rom.8:17 Sundoxazo
- We shall appear with Him in glory. Col.3:4 Sun Christo
Let us now see the manner in which identification happens. First of all, in respect of Christ’s death, we have the following truths to hold on to.
He gave Himself a ransom for ALL. 1 Timothy 2:6
One died for ALL, therefore ALL have died. 2 Corinthians 5:14
The grace of God that brings salvation to ALL MEN has appeared. Titus 2:11
The free-gift came unto ALL MEN to justification of life. Romans 5:18
He is the Saviour of ALL MEN, especially those who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10
It is abundantly clear that all men are included in the death of Christ. When He died, judicially all mankind died with Him. The whole of the Adamic race received the death sentence. But not only so, Paul follows on to say that a FREE GIFT of life was equally bestowed upon all men unto justification. This is the great Universalist message. But as yet we do not SEE this at work. We only see a remnant being called out of darkness. But God’s plan is for all, and in due course the greater work will begin.
The next item to be observed concerns BEING MADE ALIVE. We have two definitive texts to rely on, as follows,
As in Adam ALL die, so in Christ shall ALL be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22
Behold, I make ALL things new. . . These words are faithful and true. Rev. 21:5.
There can be no mistake about God’s intention. He plans redemption and reconciliation for all. That is His purpose, and in the ages to come it will be enacted to His glory.
These are the two areas where the word ALL applies without exception. But now we come to the word RESURRECTION, and observe the way in which Paul speaks about it.
ALL shall be made alive, BUT each one in his own rank. 1 Corinthians 15:23
From now on a distinction is made. The foundation stone of NEW LIFE has been laid, but everything that follows flows according to faith-obedience. The “hidden treasure” is revealed “in the field”, but we have to “sell all” in order to get it. There are various “ranks” in resurrection life. Our Lord spoke to the Sadducees about Those who are accounted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from among the dead. Luke 20:35. John wrote, saying, Blessed and holy are those who have a part in the FIRST RESURRECTION. Revelation 20:6. Paul wrote to the Philippians after about 23 years of active service for the Lord, saying that he didn’t even then believe he had reached the goal. But he struggled on to be part of the Out-resurrection, out from among dead ones. Phil.3:11. The compound Greek word emphasises the resurrection PRIOR to the general resurrection.
We then read about becoming JOINT HEIRS WITH CHRIST in Rom.8:17. But in that very verse Paul places a condition – Joint-heirs with Christ, IF we suffer with Him. The suffering speaks about a faithfulness of walk, a building of gold, silver, and precious stones upon the Christ-foundation. Nothing therefore is automatic “for the taking.” Those who read all the “identification” statements without coupling them with the “conditional” statements may very well find themselves embarrassed in the final outcome.
What about being “seated with Christ”? When Paul mentions it in Ephesians 2:6 he may have given the impression that it was an accomplished fact for all who believe. But the New Testament taken as a whole, shows the error in such a judgment. Take for example Rev.3:21. To him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with Me in my throne. Promises from God are always conditional. It is only our redemption in Christ which is a free gift, quite apart from anything we do. All seven churches are addressed by our Lord in Revelation, and each is given promises, but these promises are reserved for “him who overcomes.” Paul said to the Romans that we can be “more than conquerors (Gr. overcomers) though Him who loves us.” Rom.8:37. What is involved in “overcoming”? What needs to be overcome? First of all, we need to overcome our own besetting sins through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Having conquered ourselves, we need to turn our attentions to “wrestling with principalities and powers, and the world-rulers of darkness.” Eph.6:12. This is tough, because “our adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
The same may be said about “reigning with Christ.” See 2 Tim.2:12-13.
If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him {the suffering} He will deny us {the reigning}.
Do you seek to be “glorified with Christ”? Then Paul tells us in Rom.8:17, “. . if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” Once again the subject of suffering comes up. Paul likened our Christian lives to ATHLETES, and SOLDIERS. In 2 Tim.2:5 he said, An athlete is not crowned unless he has acted in accordance with the rules. And in respect of our military duties, no one in the military involves himself with the affairs of life, that he may please Him who has chosen him to be a soldier.
These notes have been written to combat the mistaken impression rife, for example, in dispensational circles, that all the glories are “up for grabs” regardless of one’s manner of life. As a final word, we do well to ponder Paul’s statement once again.
“That I may know the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable to His death, if by any means I might attain to the out-resurrection out from among the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either been perfected, but I follow after , if that I may apprehend that for which I am also apprehended by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to that which is in front, I press towards the mark for the prize of the calling on high of God in Christ Jesus. Let us all who are mature be thus minded.”