One of the regular news bulletins we receive is that from Kathleen Keating. Although we all have our own ideas and interpretations of current events, based on Scripture, it is advisable to maintain a sufficiently open mind to contemplate new information as it arrives. Here is a portion of Kathleen’s latest bulletin. We would like to receive comments from our readers about the contents of this article, and its possible interpretation.
[Kathleen writes] In the past few years, demonic manipulation has been increasing to the point of becoming a real concern. In the past few weeks, it has reached a crescendo. Many people have had strange things happening within their homes and on their properties, so much so that people thought they were going crazy.
As people have come together on our message boards, they have found out they are not alone, far from it as the postings have indicated.
I was interested to watch the posts develop. For some time I have been getting emails and letters about anomalous activity and discussing it with people who have experienced it first hand. The volume of incidents was staggering and I was hoping that if people came together on the message boards, everyone could learn about what is happening and try to make some sense of it all.
The posts on the board, which are quite typical of my email, involve people, entire families, hearing voices. Sometimes people hear them coming from their air conditioners or other electrical appliances. Other people hear familiar voices of family members coming from empty rooms. Still others hear family members outside and they go out to see them and no one is there.
For some time, we have known that in the end times, demons would be allowed access to us, imitating our loved ones or simply talking to us in bizarre voices. However, this activity was thought to begin during the Warning. [We’re not sure what she means by this term]
From experiences people are having, it is quite obvious that the demonic manipulation has become prevalent. It’s manifestation has not been discriminating in the least. People from all walks of life are experiencing this.
This manifestation has been experienced by normal, healthy and emotionally sound families who do not dabble in the occult and are, for the most part, spiritually grounded. In cases where a family has not been terribly religious, a new found spiritual fervor has developed, which no doubt helps in dealing with these disturbing voices.
The days of discounting people hearing voices and immediately attributing it to a serious mental condition are gone. It is now so common it will surprise you. Just read the latest postings on the board. Your eyes will be opened and you will be left wondering about the meaning of it all and where it will lead.
Now that these voices are steadily becoming commonplace, that opens up a whole new set of problems. Families who have experienced a plethora of this are finding it hard to cope. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of bizarre activity.
Regrettably, other phenomena are occurring at disturbing rates. Some families are seeing literal infestation of spirits, shadow people, strange lights and even stranger voices. Children are plagued and literally tormented. Parents are at their wit’s end.
It has become common knowledge that modern appliances, computers, etc and anything electric would be utilized by the demons in their final campaign. Apparently, they have begun this activity not only earlier than anticipated but in earnest.
Dated 27th July 2003
Although this kind of activity is alarming and disconcerting, we have nothing to fear if we trust in God. The demons thrive on our fear and use it to wear us down.