The trouble with yesterday’s manna was that it bred worms and stank. Moses told them not to save it overnight, but of course, some did, and incurred his wrath. See Exodus 16:20.
There seems to be a spiritual lesson here. All who belong to the household of God should feed upon the living word. Jesus told the Devil in the wilderness. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” (Matt.4:4, from Deut.8:3)
Did the Lord guide you yesterday? Yes? Then praise Him for that. But don’t expect Him to give the same manner of guidance today. Did you find the missionary’s talk challenging? Yes? But don’t use his experiences as a pattern to be followed. Every child of God should be receiving from above, manna for today.
Were you told that you should follow Jesus’ example? Yes? But what example? See how many and varied were His miracles. There is no pattern there. He was listening to His Father daily, and carrying out His will in practice. That is the true example to follow, not based upon any individual happening in His life.
Our spiritual food should be “bread of heaven” (Psalm 105:40). Jesus promised the overcomers “hidden manna”. (Rev.2:17). Words that proceed from the mouth of the Lord are “flowing words”. The Bible has the record of yesterday’s manna in abundance, but the Holy Spirit needs to enliven the Scriptures daily for us to walk by faith. The catalogue of the great saints in Hebrews 11 is full of examples of how they heard the Lord speak, and their obedience to that was defined as “faith”.
I must be asking myself, have I heard from the Lord today? Am I carrying out His requests? Manna for today, not yesterday’s.