When people pray for you, and it is not according to the will of God, it can cause physical and mental problems. “One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.” (Prov.28:9) I have used the expression “antiprayer” to describe such prayer. It is most important to pray only to God, and not towards a person, otherwise psychic energy is liberated to the recipient, and this can cause sickness of one sort or another. This is a serious matter, requiring careful attention. We should never try to manipulate the life of another human being by assuming to know their needs better than God Himself. Let me quote from two sources.
First, Watchman Nee. “I personally have experienced the ill-effect of prayer. Several years ago I was sick for over a year. This was due to the prayers of five or six persons being piled upon me. The more they prayed, the weaker I became. Finally I discovered the cause. I began to resist such prayers, asking God to disengage me from what they had prayed for. And so I got well.” (From “The Latent Power of the Soul”, pages 47-48).
The second is a letter quoted by Jessie Penn-Lewis in her book “Soul and Spirit.” (page 58) “I have just come through a terrible onslaught of the enemy. Haemorrhage, heart affection, panting and exhaustion. My whole body is in a state of collapse. It suddenly burst upon me while at prayer to pray against all psychic power exercised upon me by (psychic) “prayer”. By faith in the power of the blood of Christ, I cut myself off from it, and the result was remarkable. Instantly my breathing became normal, the haemorrhage stopped, exhaustion vanished, all pain fled, and life came back into my body. I have been refreshed and invigorated ever since. God let me know in confirmation of this deliverance, that my condition was the effect of a group of deceived souls, who are in opposition to me, “praying” about me!”