Prayer One
“Lord, I never miss Church unless I’m ill. I’m always there twice every Lord’s Day. And I always attend the weekly Bible Study and Prayer meetings. I pray every day for my friends and family, the fellowship, and all Christians. I have a regular morning hour of Bible reading, and always pray before going to bed. I put aside a tithe of my income and this helps the Church to run, and goes towards a stipend for the Pastor. I keep my home clean and tidy and open to welcome all who come. I never fail to point people to Jesus. And I’m always encouraging others in the Church to be equally conscientious and committed, as I believe you would have us to be. To God be the glory. Amen”
Prayer Two
“Thank you Lord for your beautiful creation. Thank you for eyes to appreciate these things. Thank you for my health and strength, your upholding hand in difficult times, and knowledge of your presence when I’m unwell. Thank you for giving me a roof over my head, and sufficicient income to supply my daily needs. Thank you for sending me those who need help and sustenance. Thank you for loving friends and family, and their untiring love shown to me. Thank you for those in the Church who minister the word of God faithfully each week. Please uphold them and inspire them in their ministry. Above all, Lord, I thank you for your sacrifice at Calvary, because I’m ever aware of my sinful nature, and know how much you suffered to bring me salvation and eternal life. May the Holy Spirit bring this wonderful message to all, that your loving heart may be joyfully satisfied. Thank you for all your lovingkindness, in Jesus’ Name.”