Three great Satanic armies have arisen in the world. First there is Militant Atheism and Humanism, which hacks down the God of Creative Glory to establish its own god of science and evolution; then there is Militant Perversion, which hacks down the Laws of God, to establish its own hedonistic laws; and finally there is Militant Islam, which hacks down the People of God, to establish its rule of cruelty and submission. [Read more…]
61. Word Studies Part 1 – Longsuffering
The English word “longsuffering” seems to imply putting up with something or someone for a long time. But the original Greek doesn’t basically have this meaning. It is MAKRO-THUMIA, the “makro” part means “at a distance”, and “thumia” is “anger”. Hence the thought is to hold one’s anger at a distance, which of course could imply length of time as well. It is the opposite of “having a short fuse”, or “flying off the handle” at the slightest affront or injustice. [Read more…]
62. Word Studies Part 2 – Compassion
If in PT61 we saw how to behave towards the “oppressor”, now we must think rather of the “oppressed”. [Read more…]
63. Knowing
Knowledge is very important. No one will deny that. But there are two ways of knowing something, and the Greek of the New Testament brings this out very clearly. Greek is an amazingly constructed language. Let me explain. [Read more…]
64. Knowing God
How then shall we “know” God (GINOSKO)? In our earth-bound school-room, what lesson books are made available to us? I believe there are many. But here are just a few suggestions. [Read more…]
65. Knowing the Voice
How then shall we know, recognise, (OIDA) the voice of the Lord?
Here are a few helpful pointers. There will be other ways as well. [Read more…]
66. Knowing the Enemy
In John 10, in the Lord’s teaching about the Shepherd and His sheep, there are seven people mentioned,
Those who are good – the Shepherd, the Doorkeeper, and the Sheep,
and those who are bad – the Hired Servant, the Thief, the Robber, and the Wolf. [Read more…]
67. Rosh Hashanah
Yesterday in the northern hemisphere we passed the Autumnal Equinox, which heralds the beginning of the winter season. Today at 6.14 a.m. GMT is the New Moon. For Jews it also heralds the beginning of their autumn feasts, starting with Rosh Hashanah, literally“head of the year”. This year Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown today, September 24th. Let’s investigate further. [Read more…]
68. Memorials
I mentioned that yesterday (24th September) was New Year’s Day in the Hebrew calendar. It so happens it is also the start of a Sabbatic Year, known as the Shemitah, according to the Rabbis. I am not getting involved with making suggestions based upon this, except to say that it would be wonderful if the Lord were to institute His reign of peace, so that the whole world might experience His Shemitah. [Read more…]
69. Unity
The Jews maintain the Unity of God by constant repetition of the Shamah, “Hear O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is ONE”. (Deut.6:4)
Moslems say: “He is Allah, the One and Only; Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.” (Qur’an, sura 112)
How do we approach this demand for UNITY, this ONENESS? How do we understand the word ONE from the Bible? [Read more…]
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