A Wonderful Creator
The following testimony has come to my notice, and I would like to share it with you. It concerns Dr Paul Gentuso, M.D.
As a young man Paul decided to go to medical school in order to become a doctor. He didn’t really believe in God and assumed that his existence was but a random accident of nature. Studying science however, was to totally change his thinking. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts, and became a medical missionary in Cote d’Ivoire.
The following are his words.
“In anatomy class we dissected a human hand. In investigating the hand, I first removed the skin, then isolated the individual tendons and muscles as I worked my way to the bones. The tendons of the hand are aligned in tendon sheaths, like self-lubricating pulleys, allowing the hand to work in a tireless, noiseless, almost effortless fashion. It was perfectly designed to carry out all the work it was called to do, everything from lifting a small object to lugging a tree trunk In seeing how each tendon was perfectly aligned along the axis of each finger and how each finger moved in a co-ordinated fashion when tugged by individual tendons it became obvious to me that there was a Creator who had intelligently designed and created the human hand. This was the first time in my adult life that I could say with assurance that a Creator existed. It was a spiritual experience for me. I went from disbelief to certainty based on studying God’s creation.”
Dr Gentuso’s present work is at Heritage Medical Associates PC 222 22nd Ave N Ste 400, Nashville, TN 37203. He has been the Chief Medical Officer there since March 2010.