Howard Hughes may have amassed a huge fortune through “black gold”, but his acquisitions were a mere nothingness compared with what I own. I am the proud possessor of a fabulous building in which I live in comfort and security. Let me tell you about some of its systems and properties. Probably you won’t believe me, but nevertheless I assure you it’s all true.
The building is held together by 202 girders of varying sizes. Inside, there is a fantastically complicated array of plumbing, measuring in all some 60,000 miles of pipes. The whole environment is thermostatically controlled to a degree unknown to most of this world’s structures.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the building is the intelligence and security system, consisting of a central computer that outshines even the most sophisticated developments of this world’s governments. There are in excess of 13,000,000,000 electrical ‘gates’ operating a data storage and sorting complex with over 10,000 terabytes of memory. Each day the electrical connections are more than 100 times as frequent as in all the world’s telephone systems put together.
Furthermore, on the external walls of the building are stationed some 4,000,000 sentinels to monitor every change of external circumstances. But within the building, there are no less than 3,000,000,000 security guards, trained to deal with anything and everything that might intrude, cause injury, or lessen the total functioning of the edifice. So highly trained and reliable are they that if necessary they lay down their lives without a murmur.
Video cameras and sound-sensing equipment is likewise of a highly sophisticated kind, quite beyond the capability of most modern-day optical and acoustical agencies.
Finally, I might mention that I enjoy the facility of self-regeneration of worn out parts, so that I can sit in comfort and enjoy the whole complex at my disposal. I could detail many other features, but these will suffice to startle most people into unbelief at my apparently fabulous tale.
Perhaps you’ve already guessed. Yes, I have spoken about my own body. I didn’t make it. Nobody made it. Nobody could ever make it. It is too wonderful even to understand. But when King David said “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” I don’t think he appreciated one percent of the wonders now known to modern science.
And if these wonderful edifices, created by the hand of God, are provided, free of charge, to each living human being, then we owe a great debt of gratitude to our Creator for such wonderful gifts.
How much more should we care for our bodies when told that they become, to those born from above, the home of the Holy Spirit of God!
Information taken from encyclopaedias.