It has long been taught by Bible scholars that the Four Gospels are related to the Four Cherubim in the following way.
Matthew. Jesus presented as King, son of David. The “LION” of Judah.
Mark. Jesus presented as the Ideal Servant of God. The “OX”, servant of man.
Luke. Jesus presented as the Son of Man. The “MAN” representing humanity.
John. Jesus presented as the Son of God. The “EAGLE”, flying in heavenly places.
It will also be observed that the order – Lion, Ox, Man, Eagle is that given in Revelation 4:7, as though to give credence to the order in which the early church placed the Four Gospels. Here then is some of the hidden truth, that perhaps Paul was referring to, when he said that amongst those who were spiritually adult he spoke of mysteries hidden from the ages in God. (1 Cor.2:7-8)
The Cherubim were seen by Ezekiel. He tried to describe them (Chapters 1 & 10) and found that it was almost beyond human ability. He spoke of a throne, wheels, infolding fire, and transport. Have you ever tried to draw a picture, based on his words? We have, and in the end realised that it is impossible. Artists in the past have tried, and each in his own way has brought out some hidden truth, but each differs from the next. The reason for this is that Cherubim belong to a higher dimension of existence, and therefore when they make themselves visible to human beings they can take on very strange forms, and even terrifying ones.
Rather than try to understand their purpose from their appearance, it is better to remain aware of parallels like those presented above, which are clear and indisputable. It has been said that each of the four Cherubim represents a class of creation. This is also helpful.
Lion – the Head of all the Wild Beasts
Ox – the representative head of all the “clean” beasts.
Man – head of humanity on the earth.
Eagle – head of all the bird life.
But Biologists would say that this is only a partial classification, because there are three more classes uncatered for in the Cherubic symbolism. These are Fish, Insects, and Reptiles. It is therefore interesting to observe that in ancient apocalyptic literature dating from the 2nd and 3rd centuries B.C., writers spoke about there being SEVEN CHERUBIM and their attendant SEVEN ARCHANGELS. But nowhere did they classify what the other three Cherubim were like.
However, in Ezekiel 28, in the passage about the King of Tyre, mention was made of “the anointed cherub who covers”, and this being was said to be a blueprint of all creation, perfect in all his ways until he sinned. It is a picture of Satan, and when he is presented in Genesis 3, we find that he comes as a Serpent, in other words the head of the Reptilian class of beings. Therefore the Bible does classify one other of these seven Cherubim. What Adam and Eve saw may be as difficult to describe as the four that Ezekiel saw.
But the other two are also depicted in the Gospels, but seldom appreciated as such. In the initial classification of the Four Gospels given above, we saw that each one depicted an aspect of the earthly ministry of the Lord Jesus. Now we shall see that the other three clearly depict the death and resurrection of our Lord. And this is a wonderful truth to behold. It comes as follows –
Matthew 12:40 “As Jonah was 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the GREAT FISH, so will the Son of Man be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.”
John 10:17-18 “My Father loves me because I lay down my life, that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again.” (Exactly the life-cycle of the BUTTERFLY)
John 3:14 “As Moses lifted up the SERPENT in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up.” John 12:32 “And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men to myself.”
Here are the remaining three Cherubim, wrenched away from their 4 brothers at Satan’s defection, and yet containing the THREE MOST POWERFUL PICTURES OF DEATH AND RESURRECTION. Therefore the Devil has carried around with him for 6000 years the very truths that will ultimately restore the whole Creation to God! No wonder Paul said that if the powers of darkness knew of this hidden wisdom, they wouldn’t have crucified the Lord of glory! Of course they wouldn’t! They were, in their cruelty and bestiality, arranging for their own eventual salvation without realising it!
Such have been the ways of Jerusalem, the Holy City of Peace, and Babylon, the Great City of Destruction. But
“Though Babel’s blows have been Salem’s woes,
Yet Salem’s wealth will be Babel’s health.”