Derek Prince wrote as follows, in October 1998 – A LAST WORD FROM RUTH “Shortly before Ruth was taken into the hospital for the last time, she and I were sitting up in bed praying together, as we usually did. Quite unexpectedly the Lord gave me an utterance in a tongue. Ruth immediately reached for her miniature tape recorder, which she kept in a drawer beside the bed, and recorded the following interpretation which the Lord gave her.”
Stand fast, do not draw back. I will open doors for you that you will be able to speak into situations, but where no one else can go. Do not back down, do not retreat in any way, hold the ground that you have gained, do not retreat from it. Rather press on, for I will give you the strength, and I will give you the words, and I will give you my anointing.
For there are few today who are willing to be unpopular, who are willing to speak what I give without reservations. There are few who are willing ever to wait before me and to know what my thoughts are, and to seek to know what my ways are.
For I am moving in the earth and I am bringing into light things of darkness, I am bringing it right out in the open, so that they are obvious to those that have eyes to see, and I have given you eyes to see. I have given you hearts to comfort you.
I will instruct you and I will teach you and I will equip you with all that you need to hold up the banner at this time, the banner of righteousness, the banner of truth and the banner of my unfailing justice and judgement. For the time of judgement has come, the time of judgement is coming swiftly, and I will judge those who are not willing to lay hold of my truth, to walk in my truth.
I am speaking about those who are part of my congregation, those who call themselves by my name, and I say that judgement is coming to my church.
You need to be wise, you need to be discerning and you need to have your ears tuned into my ear, for that is the only way you can be able to protect yourselves from being drawn in by the subtlety of those who are moving in another spirit, and that is the only way you will be able to continue to proclaim my righteousness.
Hold fast to me . . . Hold fast to me . . .Hold fast to me.