A word of warning to parents
Our bodies and minds have been created by God to operate in certain well-defined ways. One of these functions relates to rhythm in music. Almost all “normal” music adheres to this pattern, simply because we have these in-built sensitivities to what is most congenial to our well-being. But Satan is out to destroy mankind, not so much by butchery, as in bygone days, but by mental manipulation. And in the sphere of music, he is subtlety personified.
Take for example the three-time beat, the “waltz mode”, where traditionally the strong beat is on the first of the three. If the strong beat is purposely transferred to the LAST beat, trouble is in store. Igor Stravinsky composed the finale to his Rite of Spring in such a manner. History records that the original performance of this work resulted in a massive riot and the destruction of the concert hall where it was heard.
Much modern rock, rap, and other forms of highly rhythmic music adopt similar techniques. It is no longer a matter of saying, “It’s just a matter of taste” when it comes to listening to music. There are certain types of music which are literally demonic, inspired by Satan, to create frenzy, anger, and every form of destructive behaviour. Particularly so is the more recent form of intensive beat, almost completely lacking any tune, which is so popular amongst “Clubbers.”
Experiments with mice have shown that those exposed to continuous music of this type develop difficulties in learning and memory, as well as structural changes in their brain cells. The neurons show signs of wear and tear from stress totally absent in those of the control group.
If you have teen-age children who are getting mixed up in all this modern trend, often because of peer pressure, then may we suggest the necessity of bringing these facts to their notice? You may find rejection at first, due to the enormous pressures placed on teenagers today, but it is worth persisting. Furthermore, if you son or daughter takes your advice, remember that as with other drugs, there will of necessity be a period of change-over. That which became “boring” to them, (i.e. normal, ordinary music) will not immediately become well-loved, but take heart, normality will return.
(Most of the material has been taken from quotations from Los Angeles Times, Wichita Eagle Beacon, & Insight magazine. The man who’s quoted in these papers is Dr John Diamond, a primary researcher into the effects of rhythm on biological functions.)
We trust this gentle warning will be of assistance to parents, for whom we pray, as also for their offspring in these days of frenzy and speed. God bless you.