The Great Seal of the United States of America
The Dark Day of May 19th 1780, experienced throughout New England, has a special significance, we believe, and should be understood as a sign of coming judgment from God, not just on America but on the whole world. Jesus said that “immediately after the (onset of) tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven.” The meteor shower of November 13th 1833 certainly gave the impression that stars were falling from heaven, and were interpreted as such by many people in that day. The history of the last 200 years bears testimony to times of great upheaval, and though this period is not considered chronologically significant to the majority of Bible scholars, events seen in retrospect often tend to crystallise patterns that were missed by earlier witnesses. In this paper we shall be looking at certain strategic events that transpired in America around the time of the great darkness
It has rightly been said that America is the only country in the world to have a wholly Christian foundation, based on the “Pilgrim Fathers” of the 18th century, and a Constitution that bears out the faith of those Fathers. The very Seal of the United States bears the words, “IN GOD WE TRUST”. When did this transpire? It began in 1776, on 4th July, at the Declaration of Independence, with just thirteen states in the initial union. Everything was set to go with the possibility of a great Christian nation being founded, a nation which could influence the world in a truly wonderful manner. But something else was there at the inauguration, something that derived from the pit of hell, and sought to put its stamp on the New World almost before it had time to consider itself a nation.
It was in the same year, 1776, and on May 1st, that far away from America in Bavaria Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt, founded a Secret Society. Weishaupt had formerly been a Jesuit, but had come to hate the movement. The aim of this Secret Society, known as “The Illuminati”, was to replace Christianity by a Religion of Reason. By 1780 there were some 2000 adherents to the society, many of them being notable members of the public, and having considerable support from Freemasonry. However, in 1785 the Bavarian Government banned the movement, andWeishaupt had to go into exile. This came about because the Government found secret documents belonging to the organisation, which revealed their nefarious schemes.
The Secret Society went underground, but never disappeared. One should read, for example, the article entitled “Illuminismand the French Revolution” in the Edinburgh Review, No 417, pages 35-60. (1906) It becomes clear that the principles of Illuminism were the secret underlying forces that set France in revolution in 1789, at the time known as “The Enlightenment”, but which, from a Christian viewpoint should be classed as the onset of deepest darkness. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the great French encyclopaedists Diderot, Voltaire, and Count Buffon were of Illuminist persuasion. But one may ask, so what? Can there be any connection between the Illuminati and the Declaration of Independence of the United States, just two months apart in time? And the answer sadly is YES. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams worked together on the format of the Declaration of Independence, but Jefferson was accepted as the chief architect. AndJefferson was in contact with Weishaupt, and although he disagreed with him on several of the protocols of the Illuminati’s “New World Order”, he did support the idea of a republic with a Government that was strong on REASON rather than FAITH.
Franklin and Adams urged Jefferson, their Masonic brother, to write the document, which he did between 11th June and 2nd July, and which was accepted by the rest with few amendments. And although not all the facts can be dragged out of the Masonic darkness, during the seven year war of independence that followed, someone authorised a small group of “Illuminated” masons to design a seal for the new republic of 13 states. Six years passed before the design of the Great Seal was completed and unofficially adopted by the predominantly Masonic Congress of the United States on 10th June 1782. It was to be called “The Great Seal of the United States of America”. It was cast in two metallic plaques. Both were delivered to Jefferson on 17th June 1782 while he stood in dim candlelight in his Monticello drawing room in Virginia. They were presented to him by a hooded figure that entered the room quietly from the garden carrying the plaques in a red velvet bag. The format of these plaques is now common knowledge, inasmuch as it is found on every “greenback” dollar bill. The pyramid with the all-seeing eye as the capstone, and the Latin words ANNUIT COEPTIS NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM, meaning Announcing the arrival of a New World Order.” It is wholly the work of the Illuminati and the Freemasons, and has become ensconced from the very beginning on the Great Seal.
Much more could be said about the meaning of all the symbolism, but that is not our present purpose. Let it suffice to say that Satan was at Jefferson’s right hand at the time of America’s Independence, and all the subsequent history of that great nation must be viewed in the light of that fact. (A remarkable coincidence may be mentioned here. Both Adams and Jefferson died on the same day, 4th July, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.) Just before the Seal was revealed in 1782, came the great darkness of May 19th 1780, covering the whole of New England, a major part of the new union of 13 States. We believe that this was the sign and seal of God’s total disapproval of what had been done. The Church of Jesus Christ was founded upon the apostles and prophets of the early church, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief Corner Stone (Capstone in the Greek), but the Seal of the United States is based on the symbolism of one of the most diabolical organisations this world has ever known.
Though hardly heard about today, except in books about “Conspiracy Theory”, its teachings were proliferated amongst many other movements, and are now seen to emerge almost everywhere, especially in the New Age Movement. I have in my possession a British Parliamentary document dated 1947 in which the British Government favoured moving towards “World Government”. When friends enquired at Her Majesty’s Stationery Office in London for further copies of this document, they were told that it “didn’t exist”. Modern day Illuminism exists within such movements as the Bilderbergers, (Europe), The Council on Foreign Relations, (America), The Club of Rome, and The Trilateral Commission, whose members belong to higher echelons of Government than any of those which seem to govern the nations.
We write this article, not to speak against the American nation, but to reveal how even in times of great new foundations, such as that expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Devil seeks to implant his own secret machinations, and how subsequent history shows the manner in which the “black threads” continually seek to intertwine the “scarlet threads” of true faith within a nation. But all things are now moving inexorably towards the denouement, the final showdown before Satan is locked up, and the Lord Jesus Christ sets up His Kingdom.