O Lord, what a morning! O Lord, what a morning!
O Lord, what a morning! When the Stars begin to fall.You will flee to the rocks and mountains. You will flee to the rocks and mountains
You will flee to the rocks and mountains, When the stars begin to fall!
41. The Coming of the Christ
The Church it prayed and prayed again, (As only churches can),
Until the sweat ran down the brow of the “premillennarian“;
And God who hears and listens well (as only God can hear),
Whispered a comforting word of hope, which fell upon the ear.Dazed and bewildered, thunderstruck, that God should speak at all,
The Church took time to regain its poise before it could recall –
“Prepare yourselves for the midnight hour and the coming of the Christ,
And if anyone utters a contrary word, let no one be enticed.
42. “Like unto Moses.”
Deut.18:18-19 “I will raise up a prophet from among their brethren, LIKE UNTO THEE,
and will put my words into his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.” [Read more…]
43. “Sweet Revenge!”
One occasionally hears this expression, but in fact there is nothing whatever of “sweetness” about revenge. An ancient Jewish Proverb says, “The smallest revenge will poison the soul.” The Roman lawyer and satirist Decimus Juvenal (circa 60 – 140 AD) said, “Revenge is the abject pleasure of an abject mind.” In more recent times Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) said, “Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more man’s nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it out.” [Read more…]
44. The Second Coming
C.S.Lewis (and George MacDonald before him) have been a great help in clearing away from our minds inferior thought patterns, and crystallise those we find difficult to vocalise. God imparted to these men the power of mental clarity that few possess. As a result, to read any of their works is cathartic. One comes away feeling cleansed, bright, and more cheerful. The following quote from Lewis is timely, simply because of the spiritual anxiety generated by those who insist on finding dates for our Lord’s return. [Read more…]
45. Forgiveness & Punishment
Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. (Gal.6:7)
He who does wrong shall receive for the wrong which he has done, and there is no respect of persons. (Col.3:25)
Whatever good thing that any man does, the same shall he receive of the Lord. (Eph.6:8)
47. The Pattern and Purpose of the Cherubim
It has long been taught by Bible scholars that the Four Gospels are related to the Four Cherubim in the following way.
Matthew. Jesus presented as King, son of David. The “LION” of Judah.
Mark. Jesus presented as the Ideal Servant of God. The “OX”, servant of man.
Luke. Jesus presented as the Son of Man. The “MAN” representing humanity.
John. Jesus presented as the Son of God. The “EAGLE”, flying in heavenly places. [Read more…]
48. The Unforgivable Sin
Here is a subject that causes fear in the hearts of many a sensitive believer. “Have I ever blasphemed the Holy Spirit?” “What does it mean? How can I know whether I have or not?” It is good to face this problem head on, and find an answer that is wholly scriptural and satisfactory, without any dodge, any wangle, any contrivance, something that one’s spirit knows is right and acceptable in the sight of God. [Read more…]
49. Japhah, the Beautiful One
Several times of recent months I have read in American Christian literature a statement like the following – “The very word ‘good’ implies its opposite, and the awareness of one demands the awareness of the other. This is the blackboard effect that is seen all through creation. What is justice without injustice with which to compare it? . . . What is beauty without ugliness? What is light without darkness? What is peace without conflict?” [Read more…]
50. Resurrection by Judgement
“In the land of beginning again.”
Resurrection by Judgment. (John 5:20)
He came striding along the road, a fine figure of a man, vigorous and healthy, but with eyes betraying a haunting sadness. The other, seated by a wayside pool embowered in brilliant flowers, held up his hand in that gesture of greeting and invitation so familiar in this strange new world. The newcomer halted, hesitated and came across, voicing an easy greeting as he sat down on the grassy bank. [Read more…]
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