God’s assessment of the state of the British Church in July 1975
Sombre indeed are the faces of my holy ones as they look upon your land.
They are aghast at the sin which has become so rampant within this nation,
a nation once great,
a nation once given by me the opportunity to demonstrate righteousness to a great part of the world.
You began, but speedily failed; so has your empire disappeared.
There is grief in my heart as I look upon your land
where once my name was honoured,
but has now become a prey to any foul spirit.
The spirit of harlotry is deep within your land.
As I look in my own church for a bride fair and chaste,
even there is harlotry and sin and every form of indiscipline.
These things bring grief to my heart
and cause my holy ones to stand amazed
that I do not immediately and fully judge those who perpetrate such things.
They also see the position of my hands,
for whereas once my hands were around your country in protection,
now are my hands changed,
and they are above and pointing to judgment,
for I am opening the way for the workers of iniquity to come,
and I give them liberty to damage and harass your land because you have rejected my protection.
There are those among the peoples of your country who,
with skilful words and with the touch from the pit
are bringing about those things that shall cause chaos and bloodshed,
for the blood of your own countrymen and countrywomen
shall stain your streets, even these streets,
when you are given over to these tyrants who shall then come fully into view.
They are not all in one party,
or on the one side;
some of them are so skilfully covered that you do not see them,
even in the ranks of those who profess to be your brethren and sisters.
In the ranks of those who lead the very people of God
they are entrenched and shall be revealed.
My beloved people, I tell you of things that are to come
that you might hear my voice and that you might respond.
I wanted to make your land a demonstration to the world of that which is good
and that which comes from a country that owned and honoured my law,
but alas, it has become a demonstration for the enemy
of that which comes when every polluted thing is not only permitted,
but made legal by the leaders of the country.
I will judge them, and I will judge them heavily.
I will cast them down and I will put such rulers
that shall bring the country to the very edge of destruction.
Yet my ears are still open to hear any cry that might arise to me from my people.
I move up and down your ranks,
looking earnestly not only in your eyes,
but into the depths of your heart,
to see if there are any who will stand in the gap.
Yes, I long for them – those who deal severely with every sin and wrong practice,
those who will heed my word and instantly obey it,
those who will turn aside from the more selfish desires of the flesh,
those who will pay no great attention to the desires for comfort and ease
either in body or spirit or mind,
but who will embrace the roughness, heat, and strife of real warfare.
I long for those who will praise me when everything in them cries out
that they should not praise me.
Those are the rugged sons and daughters who will allow the knife to go so deep
that the deep hidden things will be dealt with
and the worship of self shall cease
and the strong forces of the flesh shall be dealt with in my presence.
I long for those who will shut themselves up,
and learn to weep before me and share my agony,
those who will share my longings and yearnings,
for do not think that I am hard and untouchable.
Understand my heart, beloved, and come and share it with me.
Those I look for not only wear the sword,
but take it out and wield it,
cutting to pieces the enemy,
and where necessary using it to deal harshly with the flesh,
that the enemies may be crushed wherever they are,
and I may bring forth into your land peace and safety,
so that I may bring through my church my strong word,
my clear testimony, my torrents of love, grace, and mercy.
Beloved, where shall I find those who will stand so strong and steadfast
that they shall prove to be a WALL against the enemy?
Where shall I find those who will yet be prophets in the land
and mighty preachers of righteousness?
Where shall I find mighty intercessors who will sweat and weep if necessary,
so that at all costs my will shall be accomplished in earth as it is in heaven?
My beloved people, do not think of the years of further safety.
Think rather in days,
for so imminent is my judgment upon your land if I do not find my people
who will behave as I have directed in this word.