August 1976
Even as I came before so will I come again.
Even as I cried for my children before, so will I cry once again.
But this time it will be to my chosen that I will first bestow my gift,
then they can show my glory and grace, my anger and judgement.
What can happen to undo all the wrong?
What can happen to untie all the knots?
Is there something?
Is there someone who can start?
Where are my lost sheep?
Are they out on the hills?
Where are the ones who care?
Are they out in the world?
There must be a voice to prepare the way
for the way must be prepared and made ready.
Without a preacher they will not hear,
so where are my preachers?
Is there someone who will hear and obey?
Is there a heart prepared?
I seek but do not find. I knock but no one opens.
My patience and longsuffering will not last for ever.
It would not serve man well if this were so.
Is there someone who will think of MY plan?
Is there someone who will interpret MY dream?
Yes indeed, there WILL be someone to prepare the way,
the way for me to come again,
and this time it will be the right time,
this time my flock will respond,
for the ages have done their work
and now is the time for my work to be brought to completion.
The time for REST is near and this will be a time for rejoicing.
My word will be fulfilled and the world will be at peace.
When is that time?
It is when my Father is reigning,
and it shall be as it was,
and yet not as it was but as it shall be –
perfected, rounded, and made smooth, satisfying, and whole, says the Lord.
August 1976
I am pained to bring forth, says the Lord.
O how I desire to accomplish, even to set in motion
what has been in my mind since the beginning.
Have you interpreted my dream?
Have you understood my mind?
Have you an answer to give when I call for you, and when you stand before me?
It must be your own answer, but it must flow from the divine mind.
I am pained to bring forth, says the Lord.
I yearn for the seven good years in which to enlighten mankind.
Am I able to trust them into your hands?
Will you accept the responsibility of government?
Can you take the second place in my Kingdom
with boldness tempered with humility?
I am pained to bring forth, says your God.
I long for the return of your brethren, and the refinement of my house.
Will you be a true brother to those who despised you?
Can you combine judgement with mercy, wrath with tears,
in the seven lean years?
Alone, no man is equal to this task.
Where are the prisoners?
Where are the ones who have learned of my ways
in the darkness of the Egyptian gaol?
My hand has been upon you in the lowest place.
Do not shrink from my presence when I call for you.
For those whom I call shall be granted the signet ring upon my hand,
fine linen robes,
and a gold chain about the neck.
And they shall ride in chariots of fire as the nations of the world make way.
Today I say to you,
wait and be watchful for you know not the time.
My kingdom comes not by observation; it is growing within you.
When you are ready I will call you,
but you do not know when this will be.
Therefore I say unto you again, be watchful always,
and waiting in readiness, says the Lord.
The words of the following song were written by Bruce Woodley of “The Seekers”, the Australian pop group that created a sensational hit in Britain in 1966 – 1968.
I know that one day soon a song shall rise,
You’ll hear it with the sleep still in your eyes,
You’ll wake into a brand new day,
Can you hear bells ringing, voices singing, far away?
A time when every man will be as one,
A time to reach right out and touch the Son,
Come the Day.
Freedom still a thought within your mind,
A fleeting thing that some may never find,
It may be still a million miles away,
Can you hear bells ringing, voices singing, far away?
A time to live without doubt or fear,
Welcome to the happy world that will be here,
Come the Day.
The trumpets of war will cease to blow,
The sound I hope that we may never know,
We’re waiting for the Day;
Can you hear bells ringing, voices singing, far away?
Lift up your voices and sing this song,
Let the whole world hear it, loud and strong,
Can you hear bells ringing, voices singing, far away?