February 1980
The Lord has a word to speak to the leaders of all the Christian churches.
If you are a bishop,
or a superintendent,
or a supervisor,
or an overseer,
or the head of a Christian movement or organisation,
this word is for you.
The Lord says:-
You are all guilty in my eyes for the condition of my people,
who are weak and divided and unprepared.
1 have set you in office over them,
and you have not fulfilled that office as I would have had it fulfilled,
because you have not been the servants that I would have called you to be.
This is a hard word but I want you to hear it.
You have not come to me
and made important in your lives and in your efforts
those things which were important to me:
but instead you chose to put other things first.
You have tolerated division among yourselves and have grown used to it.
You have not repented for it or fasted for it
or sought me to bring it to an end.
You have tolerated it and you have increased it.
And you have not been my servants first of all in every case,
but you have served other people ahead of me,
and you have served your organisation ahead of me.
But I am God, and you are my servants.
Why are you not serving me first of all?
I know your hearts,
and I know that many of you love me,
and I have compassion on you,
for I have placed you in a very hard place.
But I have placed you there,
and I call you to account for it.
Now humble yourselves before me and come to me repentant,
in fasting, mourning, and weeping for the condition of my people.