February 1980
Faith is the key to the accomplishment of my purposes, says the Lord.
Where is the faithful man who will hear my word and receive it,
who will ponder my word and let it become part of himself,
who will eat and digest my word,
and then speak it forth as part of himself?
Truly I say to you that my word will transform him into the image of God.
For by the confession of the mouth the heart of a man is declared,
and a man is known by his heart.
And the principalities of darkness tremble at a man’s confession of faith.
It is like a sharp knife that rips through their curtains of darkness,
rending the veil that is spread across all nations,
and allowing the pure light of sin’s forgiveness to reach mankind.
For truly I say to you,
the Archangel of Darkness daily repairs the rents in his canopy,
seeking at all costs to prevent the light of the Holy Spirit from penetrating the gloom to cleanse the world.
But when the Spirit of God comes,
there is light,
and the light brings conviction of sin,
revitalising dying consciences,
and causing man to respond to the revelation of my presence.
Therefore take the word that I have spoken.
Let it become the confession of your mouth,
the outpouring of your heart, that this veil may be rent.
For I say unto you this day,
that if my people were to awaken from their sleepy state and act in this matter,
they could cause a great enough gash in his canopy
to prevent any further repair from being effective.
And the new light would engender more faith,
until the darkness would pass away altogether.
This is the day of enlightenment that I seek.
These are the latter rains that I long to send,
to prepare the world for my coming.
These are the seven good years when I shall bare my arm before all mankind,
that he who passes through days of famine shall have bread to eat.
Pray therefore for the manifestation of the sons of God.
Seek my face continually for my Josephs who languish in prison.
For I 1ong to bring them out of their dark houses of trial and testing
to interpret my dream,
to enlighten mankind,
to draw forth the latter rains in abundance
and cause earth’s desert places to blossom like the rose.
It is not in my heart, says the Lord, to judge man in his present ignorance.
It is not my will to starve man of heavenly manna,
for I am a God of mercy, righteousness, and great long-suffering.
And I say unto you this day,
I forbid the coming of antichrist before the showers of mercy.
I hold back the angels of destruction
before the outpouring of power from on high.
But how much longer shall I wait for my children to respond to my word,
that these purposes may be enacted, says your Lord and your God?