January 1980
Beloved children of mine, in whom I find consolation,
know of a surety that my hand is upon you and around you
in these last final hours of darkness.
I want you to know the truth of all you sense in the spirit.
I want you to grasp the reality of what lies behind the groaning of all creation,
for even the stuff of which things are made is under strain.
I want you to appreciate the nature of that which is unseen but felt,
insubstantial but powerful,
strong but dark and unlovely,
seeking to extinguish the light of my life.
For these are the final hours in the battle of the ages,
the ultimate conflict between his way and my way.
The time has come for him to burst through the dimensional canopy
and make himself known to mankind,
purporting to be their only true saviour and deliverer.
The Master of Evil has completed his preparations and all is ready.
He has long awaited this,
the day of his appearing,
to be seen in the skies in all the glory of his appearing.
For indeed he plans to come as “the Christ”,
and the world would believe it as such.
He seeks to pre-empt the coming of my Son,
and has set his forces in readiness for that day.
But this I will not allow.
Even as he has equipped himself for his day,
so also have I equipped myself for my day,
and my day will come first.
My word has already gone forth to announce my intentions.
For it is by command that my Messenger goes forth with my words to the nations.
Only then will he be allowed to enact his programme.
Shall I not again send a Messenger before my face
to prepare the way of the Lord?
Shall I not send Elijah to call men to repentance?
Shall I not send my Angel to call men to the wedding supper?
Indeed it is my way, for I desire that men shall have light and salvation.
I yearn to give them adequate armour to stand against the evil day.
I long for mankind to know that the Lord’s Christ is an anchor
that can never be hauled up.
Yes indeed, I have a brief but penetrating work to perform in the earth,
and the ways of man will be turned upside down
as he is forced to consider new things.
But as night follows day,
so will I withdraw my spirit,
and the dark powers will emerge to do battle.
It is my way, and I shall allow it to happen.
For in allowing it, they will become my agents
in the refinement of my own people,
and agents of self-destruction of all their purposes.
For none can come against the wisdom and power of the Almighty God.
And as day follows night, so shall his darkness pass away,
and my Son shall govern the nations of the world.
Take heart therefore. I have shown you the way ahead.
The darkness and oppression you have experienced
have been your own inner battle of faith
towards the establishment of my great day of revelation.
Rejoice therefore that I have been able to use you in this way.
Hold fast until the end.
Stand by that which I have given you,
and I will keep you from the hour of great testing that is yet to come.
For those who share in my labour pains,
awaiting the birth of my new day,
shall by no means suffer the refining fires of my outpoured wrath.
I am a God of mercy, and I hold all peoples in my hand.
Destruction is not in my heart, says the Lord.