September 1978
Associate, associate, O my people, and you will be broken!
Form a confederacy, and I will bring it to naught.
Confine the Holy Spirit within your denominations,
and I will cause them to explode,
and the pieces will be scattered to the four winds!
Demand of me why these things should be and I will send you my Exactor,
and he will require of you every penny I gave you in the beginning.
For I have spoken and you have not listened;
I sent forth my word into all the earth,
and you have squeezed it out of existence.
I commanded each one of you to come before me individually,
but you have built your communities.
But I shall tear them apart.
I shall not leave one stone standing upon another that shall not be pulled down,
in order that no man can hide from me beneath the security of his brother.
Each one shall be laid bare in my sight.
For I am a jealous God, and I will have nothing
standing between me and my sons,
whether it be believer or friend, husband or wife, church or community.
For judgement must now begin in the house of God,
lest the remainder of the world blasphemes my name for ever.
I will tear down the mighty from their seats,
and expose the infidelity of the proud,
and the Exactor will return to me that which is my own,
that which has been plundered and pillaged,
mishandled and misused these many years.
Am I not your Father?
Why then do you set up numerous other patrons and guides?
For I desire to speak to my children directly.
Let me give them my word.
Let them hear me loud and clear without the censorship
of your patrons and guides.
Is not my Son the way?
Is He not the sole appointed Mediator?
Why then do YOU stand between me and my children,
whether you be priest or parson, bishop or elder, minister or deacon?
Why will you not learn of Eli, the old man, and say to my Samuels,
“Go, listen, and when you hear the Voice, say,
‘Speak Lord, for your servant is attending.'”
You stand in the way; you defile my Son.
He alone may stand between,
and as I see my children in Him I see them clean and undefiled,
pure and recreated,
sons in whom I take delight.
But when YOU stand there you defile my Son,
and I will remove you,
for He is the sole Mediator between mankind and myself.
Is not the Holy Spirit your Mother?
Is She not the Jerusalem above, your true home?
Have I not appointed Her to dwell within you,
to prompt and purify,
to guide and discipline,
to teach and admonish,
to burden and empower,
to comfort and encourage?
Why then do you seek another teacher?
Is not my anointing sufficient for your needs?
Indeed, you have no need that man teach you
for my anointing remains within you.
And shall I not purge and purify my Eve until she stands before me in glory,
arrayed with the sun, the moon beneath her feet,
and wearing the diadem of twelve bright stones,
her zodiac of government?
And shall I not bring her to the place of issue,
to the gates of the new dimension,
where she ascends to her heavenly patrimony
through the birth pangs of expectancy and hope in my word?
For such is my stated goal and purpose.
So now I have appointed my Exactor
and he shall go forth in the power of my Spirit
and lay his axe to the roots of the tall trees
that hide the sun from the grass beneath.
And he shall pull down the buildings
where fearful souls find shelter in each other’s lack of faith.
And he shall demand interest on the money I have invested in my church.
And those who have naught to render will suffer embarrassment
in the sight of those who leaned upon them.
This is my word and I shall bring it to pass, says the Lord,
the High and Mighty One who inhabits Eternity, whose name is Holy,
and who dwells with those whose hearts are contrite and quiet in my presence.