January 1981
Hear the word of the Lord:
the Kingdom of Heaven is on the point of manifestation.
This proclamation should bring a great and joyful response
from my children,
but I am finding lethargy, self-interest, and much self- induced darkness.
But I now address my righteous remnant of this latter season,
and I shall call them Simeon and Anna.
These and these alone shall be open to my word,
and to these alone shall be the opening of the ear to hear and to understand the mysteries of the Kingdom.
And the words that I now speak shall be plain enough to them,
but shall take upon themselves the most veiled and parabolic form
to those of the outer body,
to whom the invitation to rule must be withheld
until the mystery is complete,
and there be a full accomplishment of my purposes,
even those purposes which relate to the advance-guard of the Kingdom.
And now to those who wait,
and those who weep,
and those who seem deprived of my spirit,
nay rather who seem to be the objects of divine ridicule,
to such will I reveal the sacred mystery of the chief rulership.
And the fiery trials endured shall bring about
that degree of rugged earnestness
that shall make them as iron for toughness,
steel for sharpness,
overlaid with gold for righteousness.
Upon these and these alone shall the divine favour fall.
Upon these and these alone shall the veil of secrecy be removed.
I shall ask my Watchers to remove the bands from their eyes,
whereby the vision of my will may carry them through to the culmination.
Therefore I call to my elect,
I call across the world,
through the great seas and the mighty winds,
upon the mountain ranges and through the desert wastes.
Awake O sleepers,
rouse yourselves from the dust,
and make yourselves ready for the Coming One,
for He is now at hand,
and already the great shaking has started.
Be therefore imitators of me, says the Lord your God.
Even as I shake the world,
so also I ask that you shake your own dominions.
Shake your thoughts,
shake your beliefs,
shake your associations,
and shake your habits of years.
For I now command you to bring everything to my altar,
where the Seraphim will test it with divine fire.
All that is unworthy of me will be consumed,
and all that remains will be refined until it is holy.
For my Kingdom must be a righteous Kingdom,
free from all that proceeds from Adam.
None can rule without the sceptre,
none can overcome without the divine commission,
and none will be authenticated save in the state of resurrection.
These will I bring back upon the earth equipped
and ready for the service of Government.
Hear my words, you sons of Anna and Simeon.
Be attentive to the command of the Lord your God.
For the listening ear is unto me as the fragrance of garden flowers,
and obedience as a living sacrifice.
Those who hear and obey will be those who cut loose
all the stays that bind to earth,
and haul up all human anchors.
And as hot-air-balloons they shall strain to rise
as the fires of God burn fiercely beneath them.
They shall arise to meet their Lord in the air.
They shall come aloft with me,
having broken free from all human restraint.
My balloons shall be governed wholly by wind and fire.
The wind of my Spirit shall carry them whithersoever I want them,
and the fire of my Spirit shall enable them to rise to ever greater heights.
And by these instruments shall I perfect my servants.
Choose therefore this day whom you will serve.
Cut free and serve the Lord God.
Sever the ropes of human attachment,
and loosen the anchors of human conflict.
For none can rise when tethered to Church, Family, or Brethren.
Like Abraham of old, each must come aloft in solitary obedience to my call.
Where will you be when I call?
Will you be above, airborne, and carried by the wind of my Spirit?
Or will you be still tethered to the soil of natural affections?
And will you be high above the earth,
or will you be hovering very near to the ground,
weighed down by the ballast of human fear, cares and worry?
It is my command that you set yourselves free and rise to meet me.
Some will find this difficult,
for they will enjoy the riches of a fruitful ministry,
but I say unto you this day,
I have spoken my word.
It is my command that you rise from your places.
Forget that which is behind,
release yourselves from the bondage of the past,
treat all as refuse when you hear the Trumpets of the Kingdom,
for it is the acceptable day of the Lord.
And those who come forth to meet me in the air will gain
the prize of the calling on high,
the elect transformation to kingship.
And those who obey me in this call will become objects of ridicule and abuse,
the ridicule of the world,
and the abuse of many of their brethren.
But this will be my device, whereby I may shake the land.
In the shaking of the few,
I shall test their obedience,
and in the shaking of the many
I shall call forth a response,
causing each one to vocalise his stand and position.
And when I come, it will be my word that will be the judge in that day,
says the Lord.
And those who rise will be alone.
The wind of my Spirit will bear them where I will.
No longer will they be tethered to human values.
As they ascend into the region of silence they will hear my voice
and be prepared for the prophetic office.
And in ascending they will view the earth from the divine standpoint,
and assess human values by the spirit of wisdom from above.
It will not be an easy ride,
for dangers lurk along the way.
For I call my servants into the dwelling places of the spirits of darkness,
the principality of the air,
usurped by the enemy from the beginning.
But it is my purpose to use my chosen ones to drive them out,
even as I used my own nation Israel to drive out the Canaanite
from the Land of Promise.
Fear not their size,
nor even their power and cunning,
for the Lord your God is victorious in all that He sets His hand to do.
No harm can come to those who yield themselves into my hands,
for I shall place my own canopy upon them.
Arise therefore, that my will may be done.
I do not offer a choice in this respect,
for I am commanding you to arise,
to cut loose from the earth and its values, that you may learn of me.
Obedience will culminate in kingship and blessing,
but disobedience will bring great disappointment,
and a cutting off from those who share the government of the world.
To those who are blind, and who cannot see my ways,
I shall bring no judgment in this respect,
but those who are able to see,
able to hear,
and able to understand my call and yet hold back,
preferring to remain tethered to the earth,
shall come under judgment.
For having sight, they do not glorify me for the vision,
having ears they do not yield obedience when I call,
and having hearts that understand,
they do not allow themselves to be warmed by the presence of my love.
And as the man who had one talent and hid it in the ground,
so shall these receive the reproach of their Lor
when He returns to take account.
Cut loose and arise.
Come into the air that you may meet with me.
Be not fearful of the enemy, for I am at hand to save you and deliver you.
Rise yet higher.
Fear not to enter the clouds where vision is reduced
and the air is damp and cold.
Neither be terrified by the electric storms of lightning flash and thunder.
My hand will guide you through the turmoil and turbulence
until you reach the other side.
Let the fires of my Spirit burn ever more brightly.
Rise above the clouds, and enjoy the pure clean air.
Bask in the sunshine of my love.
Can you see the earth?
Does it matter?
Let your minds be centred on those things which are above,
where I am seated at the right hand of power and authority.
And when each has completed his training
I shall reach forth my hand and take you unto myself,
and you will be changed, in the wink of an eye,
transformed into my own image,
clothed upon with the royal robe of office,
and ready to take your place in the government of the world.
One will rule a nation,
others will rule parts thereof,
whilst others will administer divine justice in districts, towns, and villages.
Each shall receive his appointment and his commission
directly from my hand,
and each shall find great satisfaction in the execution of his royal service.
Woe to those who seek to establish my kingdom in the flesh,
and those who misuse the power of the Holy Spirit
in these days of preparation,
and those who look back to their traditions
having heard the Kingdom Trumpets,
and those who refuse my call through false humility.
For I say unto you all, be not faithless but believing.
Hear this my call and set yourselves free.
Arise from the earth.
Join those who have already heard my call and have arisen before you.
Let my house of royal appointment be full,
that I may have much joy in my new creation.
For this is still the day of my invitation, the acceptable time.
And on the day when you see the Throne,
all tears will be wiped away, says the Lord.