February 1968
After the Exeter Conference, and the clear prophetic directions given to the assembled company, there was a division of the ways. Some preferred to keep going as before, and put the Lord’s word in their pockets rather than in their hearts. But others were deeply moved by the experience, and waited upon the Lord for further enlightenment, simply because the Lord had requested that.
As a result, the Lord spoke to a few of those who had been to Exeter, and requested a meeting in Reading, Berkshire, where the Lord’s word would be amplified and enlarged concerning the days ahead, and the rigorous preparations necessary in His people, His “Little Flock” who would be trained and made ready for a day of startling reality to the rest of the world.
It was February 1968. Those assembled were few in number, but waiting in prayer for the Lord’s word. The tape recorder was ready at hand, and from this we were able to transcribe the messages received by three of the company.
Your great test is before you,
and your great test will be to see great men fail,
to see those whom you have looked upon
as filled with my spirit fail
because they have not had their eyes upon me,
the Lord their God.
And you will doubt in your hearts and wonder how it can be
that these strong men should quake and quail,
and you will look at your own heart
and wonder how YOU will be able to continue.
And yet this will be your test,
to see if you will still make the arm of man to be your strength
if you will look to man for your encouragement,
that you will look to man for your word,
instead of the Lord your God,
who has called you and set before you HIS way,
and HIS choice, and HIS blessings.
This is why throughout the ages
the church has failed to receive that which I have planned for it,
because they have their pastors and they have their teachers,
and their leaders in whom they rest,
upon whom they sleep, upon whom they rest as crutches.
And when they are taken away they look around them for another pair of crutches.
Yet I will smash those crutches.
I will smash them that you might lean upon me,
the Lord your God.
Can you bear this test?
Can you bear indeed to look upon the Lord your God?
Can you bear to have no arm of flesh to lean upon,
not even the one you love the most, but me the Lord your God?
Can you rely upon me only?
Can you know that I am indeed God?
As you have said through your lips,
and as you have professed with your mouth,
you will indeed know that I am the God who leads you
and the God who holds you with my own right hand.
I must teach you this way,
so that when you stand up to give my word,
it will be first hand experience from start to finish,
that you will give no second-hand experience,
no second-hand theology.
You will tell nothing but that
which you have proved from me yourselves.
This I have to do
and I know that you will pass this test because I have called you,
but it will be a hard thing.
It will make you weep as you see those whom you have loved
fail and go under as they are tested by me.
And yet I will raise them again,
so that they might indeed stand up again.
They will come through the fire and their rising again
will be for the encouragement of those round about you.
But those who will have stood this test,
and will not have fallen as they have seen others fall,
they will be my special people,
and will be in the forefront of the battle in the coming day,
to be leaders of those who will minister my spirit to this world.
This is the test that I set before you.
Therefore watch and pray,
and be ready that you be not overtaken when it comes upon you,
says the Lord.
I have shown you that you must follow in the footsteps of my Son.
And I have told you again tonight of that final step,
for even as my beloved Son came to that cross where He would be glorified,
all His own forsook Him and fled, and He was left alone.
And upon that cross He cried,
“My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”
He knew a desolation which He had never known before,
so deep that your hearts cannot understand what it meant to Him,
my beloved Son,
to know me His Father in this new relationship.
I will hide my face, but I will not withdraw from you.
Those round about you will fall, but YOU will stand,
you will stand in the hour of darkness and I will keep you.
My eyes will be upon you and this will encourage your hearts,
for you will know that this is the work of the Lord your God.
And you will know that I am with you in this,
you will know that my eyes are upon you,
you will not fail though the days be dark indeed.
You will rest on me alone,
and I will bring forth from the furnace a people refined and pure,
made white ready to be used by the Master, says the Lord.
You will know indeed the fellowship of my sufferings, says the Lord.
As I hung upon that tree,
and knew the jeering and mocking as I was there,
and knew that title above my head was there in mockery,
so man will mock you.
They will call you “the people of God” in sneering,
and will call upon those who claimed a blessing,
but will now seem indeed to be those who have been cursed.
But I will turn their sneering and their laughing and their jeering
into utter confusion
when I establish my word and perform it.
For before their very eyes, as in a moment,
I will make that which was dead,
that which was nothing,
that which was a laughing-stock and a rebuke,
to be a praise to my name.
In the hour of deepest darkness will be the hour when the light will break,
and I will put forth my hand of blessing upon you and lift you up.
And those who have jeered,
and those who have mocked,
and those who have laughed,
will come and apologise and say, “The Lord is God, the Lord IS God.”
They will come and read my word again,
and will be humbled in their hearts.
And I will raise them up, says the Lord.
When you hear these things,
be not cast down as you look at the days before you which will be difficult,
but remember that I am with you, says the Lord.
Remember that I love you,
wherefore rejoice in your hearts,
and be glad in me that I have counted you worthy of these things,
for I have brought you to the test,
even as I brought Abraham to the test because I loved him.
Wherefore rejoice and let not your hearts be sad.
Give glory to my name;
give glory to me,
for I am the Lord who loves you,
the Lord whose goodness changes not.
I am the Lord who has prepared all things for those who love me.
I am the Lord who will be with you unto the end of the earth.
I am the Lord even your God who is of great compassion and mercy.
I am the Lord your God, full of glory and power.
And though your eyes see not,
yet in heaven there is joy in the Lord Jesus,
there is joy in those whom He has redeemed.
Wherefore join in that joy and let your voices be given to praise His name.
Let us give glory to the Lord Jesus together.
Let heaven and earth join together in praise and unity
which exists between us to magnify His name, says the Lord.
– – – – – – –
For do you not remember that even while Moses’ hands were lifted up,
those who fought against them were overrun by my power?
But my hands are weakening now,
for I have given you my strength.
When I put them down, will you carry on?
Will you go out as fit soldiers in the name of the Lord?
Will you go out with your shield?
And will this shield have YOUR name upon it,
or will it carry MY seal, because I gave it to you?
Indeed my hands are weak,
my arms as heavy as lead,
and they are falling to my side.
But not just yet, for they are still held up,
and the strength that I am pouring into you now, I am giving to all.
But the strong ones will fade for their strength is their own.
They have nothing given to them by me,
and yet they are truly mine, truly my sheep.
But this is to show you that you are trustworthy,
that you will face the foe, and that you will go through.
But you will not pass with flying colours,
for they will be dull and tattered,
and the way will be hard,
and your skin will be torn and your flesh eaten.
And they will speak words of blasphemy against you,
and yet it will not be against you but against the name of the Lord.
For it is against the Lord that they come,
not because of you but because of me, the Lord your God, even I AM.
Will you ride upon your steed and go the other way?
Will you jump the gates and cross the border,
or will you stand firm in the front line?
Will you carry my weapon of love and power?
Will you give my word of rebuke when it is needed?
Will you give my word of love and comfort, my word of hope,
the hope that is for all those who were here?
Stand and be girded in iron,
the iron that shall shine like gold and that will be purified.
You will not need a steed to ride upon,
nor a fine white robe,
for these will be given to you afterwards and will be your reward.
But I ask you to go out into the front line and pick up those who have fallen
and those who have failed, and they will be to you the strong ones.
But my strength is perfected in all weakness,
and you will see my strength.
You will see it through the weakness of others, even the weakness of man.
I give my wisdom to those who have no wisdom;
I give my love to those who have no love
and I give my power to those who know not what power is.
I have risen.
I have come to life and my arms are held up,
but they will fall down upon my side and then you will be on your own.
For I have said to you, and I will say again,
that I have built up a people who are indeed weak.
And man looks upon them and says that they are haggard and lean,
that they cannot be Christian,
that they cannot be the people of the Lord,
they cannot be the true fine art and craftsmanship of the Lord.
But these are the ones whom I have shown to the world,
and of whom I will build a people,
and a name that will be above all other names,
and this name will be the name of your Lord, my Son, the Lord Jesus,
who came upon the cross to die for all those who would give ear to the word,
and who would eventually see and not be blinded by the ways of man,
or corrupted by the ways of sin and deceit.
This people I have saved, this people I have raised,
and they are as small as mustard seeds,
but when the mustard seed grows it is greater than all the herbs.
It becomes a bush and there are none who can stand against it.
This bush will grow and flower, and the fruit will be abundant,
and I will not let the fruit fall to the ground.
I will pluck it and gather it into my own house, there to keep forever.
But the front line is where you will stand.
Can you bear to be buckled down by your Master?
Can you stand a blow from Him, and yet stand straight and not rebel?
If you can this is good.
But I say that the mustard seed will stand against all things,
even though it is weak in the eyes of man.
I will show my strength in all that is weak,
and I will give the high calling to this seed.
And they will say to it,
“Blessed be the mustard seed for it has truly grown.
Here is the true workmanship of the Lord.”
They will say this and it will be true.
And it will also be what you will say, says the Lord your God.
– – – – – – –
Let not your hearts be troubled.
Although my words to you this night have been hard words,
is not this the way of the Lord your God?
Would you accept me if I were as sweet as sugar?
I know the answer to this question without asking you.
You would indeed reject me.
I will be salt. I will be salt in this earth.
And I would have you also to be salt.
Salt preserves; salt is good;
and men will know that you are sent from the One who makes salt.
They will know that you are light,
sent from the One who is light.
And your light will shine before men that they may see your good works.
Yes, they will indeed see these good works
and glorify your Father who is in heaven.
For a time is coming, and this time is short,
when I will bring you back upon this earth equipped with my power,
equipped with the supernatural and the sign.
Have I not said that the latter rains will greatly exceed the former rains?
When I ask you to look back that you might look forward,
it is that you may know and recognise that those things written concerning my Son, the Head of the Body,
shall be accomplished and fulfilled through the Body itself.
Even as my Son went down into death
and rose again by the power of the Father,
so also will I raise you up as a corporate Body to be my witness in this earth, filled with my power.
Men shall see you and recognise that you were the despised ones,
the hated ones, the rejected ones,
the ones for whom there was no pity,
the ones they believed to be full of rubbish, confusion and error.
In those days they will spit upon you and curse your name,
saying, “We want GOD, not HIM!”
They neither know nor understand what they say.
Let your hearts be full of love.
Remember my Son when He was on the earth,
for He reviled not as they reviled Him,
He struck not at those who smote Him.
And what would you have me to do for you?
Should it be different now?
Should not the servants of the Lord walk in their Master’s footsteps?
Follow Him.
Experience my peace, the peace that transcends human understanding.
It will strengthen your hearts,
and hold you fast like a rock in the day of tempest and torment,
the day of gale-force winds, when men shout and jeer and mock you.
It is then that you will be able to stand quietly with confidence in me.
For I ask that you will listen quietly to what they have to say.
Inwardly you may say,
“Father forgive them for they know not what they are saying.”
Let it not be upon your lips lest they turn upon you the more so and say,
“Now you are making yourself out to be Christ Himself!”
Have they not already said such things?
Indeed it will happen again.
They will set upon you with their words,
and make you out to be the biggest blasphemers on the face of the earth.
“What further need of proof do we require?” they will say.
These things came upon my Son, and you will taste His torment,
and have fellowship in His sufferings.
But He has taken the sting out of death and you will not have to go this far.
For He is the Needle and you are the Thread.
He makes the way through, and you will follow after.
However, you will bear His reproach, share His shame,
understand His sufferings,
and be made conformable to His death,
that I may cause you to stand in His resurrection.
And then you will stand upon this earth in newness of power,
with my glory, possessing the white stone,
and the white robe of my righteousness.
All men shall know in that day that I, the Lord God Almighty,
have sent you into this world to accomplish my purposes,
And to take out those who are known only to me,
those whom I have given to my Son, and who are destined to life above.
You will go to them and speak to them and comfort their hearts,
and I will open their eyes in that day so that they may know and understand.
Then they will recognise you, and know who you are and whence you come,
and they will believe.
Others will receive my hand of healing through you,
whereby they will know and understand.
Raise your hands! Do mighty signs and wonders on the earth!
Let mankind marvel!
But point your finger on high
and cause them to know the true source of power.
Say to them, “Bow not the knee to me. Know the Lord. Hear His word.”
These are the works that I shall accomplish on this earth.
These will be the times of the latter rains.
This will be the season when I shall build the Latter House,
the glory of which shall exceed the former to a degree not yet fully revealed.
O my children, wait upon me and be patient,
for although the trial is great,
have given you my wisdom in your innermost parts
to know that this is the right way.
And having this certainty you will neither stumble nor fall.
Be glad therefore to be privileged to go the way of the cross
because it was the way of your Lord and Master.
Remember Him daily as you partake of the bread and wine, says the Lord.
– – – – – – –
Once again I say, look back that you may look forward,
that you may be a perfect people, dug from the ground,
a people who will come and enlighten the world.
And the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, shall dwell in them,
for those who know not the Holy Spirit have not the calling.
But these are my people, they have been called out,
they are weak and they are small in number,
and yet their number is great
because it has the fullness of the Lord dwelling within.
And again I say, look back.
Look to the pattern of your Lord, even the Lord Jesus,
to see how everything ran in a tide-line together.
Mark not the Plimsoll line upon my bow,
but look straight ahead upon the seas, and know the way you have to go.
For I say that my voice has been heard many miles away,
even the same word that I have given to you now.
For it is the Holy Spirit, the One who deals in Truth,
who has given it to the global church that will sit upon the globe
and will come as a great fire.
They will know in that day that I am the Lord your God,
and that my power will be upon the face of all the earth.
For you are indeed the Body of Christ, my elect,
and there are none greater than these,
for being the Body of the Lord Jesus,
they will run in the pattern of the ways of His life.
Look through the Scriptures.
Look through my word and find the inner meaning.
Find what lies ahead of you.
Be prepared at all costs.
And be ready, I repeat, ready,
for I say that the fullness has not yet come to pass.
From this day lie the three days and the three nights.
Your ministry will be far greater than that of your Lord,
my Son the Lord Jesus.
Did He not say that you would do greater things than He did?
And who has seen all these things blown up like a balloon?
Who has seen these things come to pass in accordance with His word?
I tell you now that none of these things has come to pass.
But wait, wait a little while again, and be patient before the Lord
and He will show you all truth through the Holy Spirit.
Why is it O my people that you are still treading in darkness?
Place your feet upon the firm ground and stand firm.
But those who stand like trees,
those who stand above men,
those who have a name,
will fall because they have been right in the sight of man.
Therefore man has picked them to be the chosen ones.
These will fall because my strength is not in them.
But what is this growing by the side of the tree?
It is a seed, a small seed, and very minute.
Bring the magnifying glass and then you will see the wisdom of the Lord.
For by this seed alone, by the great global church,
by my little flock, by my elect,
I will germinate it and it will grow and be abundant.
And the world will know,
and people will lift up their voices and praise me,
for I am the Lord your God.
You will stand upon a three-legged stool and it will not topple over.
The world is placed on a table, even at one corner.
The church is at another corner of the same table,
and there is a great division between them.
But I say that you are upon a three-legged stool, even the Triune God,
and you cannot fail.
You will neither fall nor topple through the words of man,
and this will strengthen you.
For upon this stool is the Body of Christ, the Body from the Head, my Son.
And what the Head went through so also will the Body go through,
for the Head will still be upon the Body,
and the Body cannot do without the Head.
Examine the cat.
Whatever opening its head can go through, the body can follow.
Look at the vole and it is the same.
In all my wild life, you will observe that cats and rodents observe this rule.
Whatever the head goes through, so also the body will follow, says the Lord.
And again I say that the Spirit will flow through the Body,
and each part will mingle with the others,
and each part will praise me.
Consider the starlings.
A flock of starlings contains many birds, but there is but one body.
Come closer and you will hear each one praising my name,
the name of the Lord your God.
Watch them fly! They have but one mind.
So also will the Body of my Son have one mind, even the mind of Christ.
Rejoice and praise me.
Each part of the Body will show my blessings,
and each part will be a hope for the other part,
for they will not let go, neither will they fall away.
But even if a part does fall, another will pick it up and strengthen it,
and it will go on its way rejoicing once again.
Fear not my little flock, fear not my children,
for the manifestation of the sons of God
will be upon this earth and the creature will be set free.
When is the manifestation?
When the seed is magnified,
when the seed has grown,
when my name is spread abroad both far and near,
when the aliens of the church hear my words and receive them,
when they reach up and clap their hands.
And again I say, when also the trees in the forest rejoice
and clap their hands,
this is when the manifestation of the sons of God will be upon this earth.
Every living creature knows that the curse will be lifted on this great day,
and this is why the birds praise me.
The whooper swan is my white trumpet;
he cannot wait to blast at my command.
The clouds like white blankets cover my glory,
but when this day comes the clouds will part and then the world will know.
This day will show the power on high.
In wisdom there is none greater, none finer,
than the wisdom of the Lord your God.
Who can withstand this wisdom?
Who can stand against it?
Where are those strong men who preached the word?
Will they stand?
No, they will fall, and you will see this with your own eyes.
You will see this come to pass even as I have said.
You will know that this is the truth, and you will know
that I am the Lord your God.
But I warn you that there will be some,
even in my elect, who will not be of my elect,
and these will try to pull my elect under, into the dark depths,
and will try to place a millstone
round the neck of the elect church and sink it,
and the weeds will try to entangle with it and drown it.
And it will seem as though the elect themselves will go against me,
but they will not do so because my strength will be made perfect
in all the elect church,
because this in the eyes of man is weak.
The seed will grow and bear a flower,
and the flower will indeed be great, the flower of the rose.
And the cycle of the rose will be that of this flower,
and man will know that the high calling of the Lord
is upon the Rose of Sharon,
for that is the name of this flower.
Healing will be the mere bat of an eyelid to that which will come;
Miraculous wonders will be but the petals of a daisy
to that of the tall fir trees.
My magnifying glass will be over the world,
and yet not over the world that knows me not,
but over the seed, over my elect.
And I will magnify it and the light will shine upon it,
and it will shine above all other lights upon the face of the earth.
For this light is the Body of my Son,
and this light will be upon the seven seas,
across the four winds,
and the trumpet will blast.
The trumpets of man will cease to blow.
And man will know that the trumpets of the Lord will blast,
and will shake the foundations of the earth.
And they will under-estimate the power of the Lord from on high.
And this power that will come will be that of the great fir trees,
a power that man has never seen,
for I am God Almighty, the Lord your God,
and there is nothing that man can do against me,
for my power will come through this seed, and I will magnify this power.
They will bow the knee,
and there will be many,
many more than man has ever thought of in the valley of decision,
for man has never seen this power.
And when the second phase goes,
there will still be many on the earth,
and then at the last moment,
when it seems on earth that all is lost and my church is persecuted,
beaten down into the shelters,
my Son will appear and take the last phase away.
This is the flower that is growing.
This is the flower that will come in three great cycles,
three great appearances.
This is the rose, the scarlet rose, the rose that has been purified,
and in the middle is the White Stone.
Drink and rejoice.
Rejoice and do not be sad, for the way of the Lord is good.
The way of the Lord is in mourning – the way of the Lord is good.
The way of the Lord is in trials – the way of the Lord is good.
Rejoice and lift up your hearts, open your eyes, lift up your heads,
look and see the high calling in the love of my Son.
It is clearly shown in my word.
Look for the elect and you will find them.
And you will know, even as you are known,
that I am the Lord your God, says the Lord.