February 1982
My work has proceeded in darkness where no man can see it.
It has taken place in the realms of death where man has no interest.
But the womb of darkness,
and the chrysalis of death
are my shelters and my workshops,
and the man child Cyrus grows within this womb.
I take of the elements that I have made,
and there fashion a thing of beauty.
I give him the treasures of darkness,
and the hidden riches of secret places,
delicately painting his wings with multicoloured wisdom.
And when all is ready,
I bring to the birth.
I break in pieces the brazen doors,
and cut asunder the bars of iron,
for the gates of Hades cannot prevail against him.
And when the grave-clothes of his chrysalis have been stripped away,
I shall display my workmanship in the face of all mankind,
for he shall perform my pleasure,
and cause Jerusalem to be built upon solid foundations,
a city that shall never be moved,
a dwelling place of all who glorify the Lord,
the Christ of the Most High God,
the home of all those chosen and called and faithful,
who will govern the world to come in righteousness and peace.
For thus declares the Lord this day.
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To what shall I liken my own, mine elect, says the Lord?
And how shall I imprint the Divine Mind within them?
I shall liken them to photographic film.
I shall roll them onto a spool and place a label saying
When the time is right I shall transfer them to my Camera,
and as time goes by I shall open the shutter for brief flashes of revelation.
And the light will penetrate the film and make its deep impression.
And when my work is complete I shall remove the film and process it.
And behold! See what has developed!
The Divine Mind is exactly portrayed for all to see –
no longer does the film need to be kept in the dark.
But some will not accept that my work proceeds in the darkness,
even the thick darkness,
for they say, “God is Light, and in Him is no darkness at all.”
They neither know nor understand.
They would prise open my film and expose it to the light,
and when I process it
I would be presented with that which is jet black and full of darkness –
with no imprint of the Divine Mind.
For such I would have no use in my Kingdom.