March 1993
The Ministry of Weakness
The ministry of weakness is peculiarly my own work, says the Lord,
For there shall be no opportunity for reckoning or discipline
Unless first a state of weakness has been produced.
The Day of the Lord is upon all the High Mountains
And Tall Towers,
To bring low the arrogance of man.
So shall it be when my day comes.
But in these last days, before that manifest day arrives,
I bring my children to the state of weakness,
So that they can receive precious lessons from my word
Thereby to prepare them for what lies ahead.
But in the Day of the Lord
I shall bring great weakness to the nations of mankind,
And there will be wailing and crying,
And a strong reaction against my work,
And in this time of great tribulation
Men shall cry out for the return of the strength they once possessed,
But this is my way, and by it I shall be glorified.
And this, my work, shall continue even unto the end,
Even the ministry of weakness,
Until Lucifer himself shall be brought down to the ground
And go the way of all flesh,
Until they say to him, “Are you become as weak as us,
You who laid the nations low with an unremitting rod,
And weakened them;
Are you now become like one of us?”
And at that time there shall be much joy in heavenly places,
For the ultimate strong man shall be made weak,
And the beginning of his process of restoration can begin.
Praise me for my work,
And see the purpose in it for all my creation.
It is a good work, says the Lord.