May 1980
Judgement Pronounced
on the Charismatic Movement
Why when I called for a Jonah to call for repentance
have you led my people into a merry time of dancing and singing,
calling this “rejoicing”?
Those who can rejoice when my heart is sorely grieved
can neither have my mind nor my heart.
I called for a corporate Jonah
who would understand the gravity of the situation I seek to reveal,
a Jonah who would fear and tremble,
and even run and hide at this understanding.
But no such Jonah was to be found.
So I gave my people a measure of authentication of my word,
and again renewed the foretaste of the powers of the age to come,
that when the word of the gospel of salvation is preached,
there might be an accompanying testimony to the truth.
Some of my servants have faithfully found
and fulfilled their appointed ministries,
and according to their own understanding
have preached my word with signs following.
My word is not now against these servants
who have never lost sight of their calling,
and constantly carry within their spirit a burden for the lost.
But my word is strongly against the leaders of popularistic charismatic activity,
who have turned the operations of my Spirit into a popular cult,
who have restrained the sackcloth and ashes from my people,
and have called for a surfeit of feasting where fasting is needed.
What will you say when my gifts are withdrawn?
What will you do when the prophetic word generally ceases,
when only the specially anointed prophets of the Most High
have any word from me?
How will you react when the word
which speaks of blessing, joy, and love is withheld,
and when the only true word of the Lord speaks
of judgment, tribulation and persecution,
when the glory of the mountain- top height
is replaced by the lonely walk to a desolate hill-top bearing a cross?
Will you then perceive my true way and come that way alone with me,
or will you declare that a Satanic veil
is stopping the blessing of the Lord coming through?
My servants, I call you now to cease your work of renewal,
to desist from further public ministry,
to come aside and learn of me and of my ways whilst my voice is still to be heard.
Be willing to learn from those who have learned over many years
that my way is the way of the cross, and of the valley, and of the pit.
Respond to my word by joining with my faithful servants
whom I am calling together in these last days,
for in them,
and in them alone
will my word reside when the general gifts are withdrawn,
and to them alone will men go for bread in the time of famine.