December 1989
The Dark and Unlovely Thing
I will overturn, overturn, overturn it,
until he comes whose right it is to have it, says the Lord.
[See Ezekiel 21:25-27]
Many times has man tried to capture his God,
define Him in human terms,
and present Him to his contemporaries in a neatly packaged bundle.
Many times he has aspired to know the unknowable,
think the unthinkable,
and master time and space
as though he were a denizen from some higher frame of existence.
Many times have men set themselves up as the chosen ones,
though I have not selected them,
gone on great missions,
though I have not sent them,
written great books,
though I have neither stirred nor inspired them.
All this is vanity and I overturn it.
Have I not given back to man great truths that had been trampled underfoot?
But what has man done with these newly acquired gems?
He has again tried to define me in terms of his movements.
He has his protestants, and his evangelicals, and his pentecostals,
each believing they have the truth encapsulated within their creeds.
But my Son is the Truth,
and I will not allow Him to be placed within a box.
This also is vanity, and I overturn it.
But what is this that is growing so rapidly ,so strongly, and so prosperously?
What is this that seeks to fill the earth in my name?
What is this that defies definition,
allows no self-examination,
and proposes no creed?
What is this that glitters like gold,
laughs like a clown,
and dances like a marionette?
What is this that looks me straight in the face
without the least qualm of conscience?
What is this that arrogates to itself total authority in its dealings with men
and allows no contrary word to be spoken?
What is this large, dark, and unlovely thing?
Before it engulfs the world I will overturn it.
But who are these, says the Lord?
Who are these unknown ones, these unnamed ones, these isolated ones?
Why have they been left out in the cold when others are warm?
Take off their tattered coats and bring them into my banqueting hall.
Fetch the robes that I have kept especially for them.
Bring us bread and wine.
Tell them to join me at my table.
They have come, and it is their right to have it, says the Lord.
And when they have had their fill of my special fare I will set them to work,
and they will be the instrument in my hand
to overturn this large, dark, and unlovely thing.
For it is an offence in my sight,
and I would away with it.
In one hour I will throw it down and it will be no more.
And you, profane, lawless prince of my people,
your iniquity has reached its climax.
Thus says the Lord, remove the diadem and take off the crown.
This shall not endure.
Exalt him who is low, and abase him that is high.
I have spoken. The time has come. I will bring it to pass, says the Lord.
[Notice the date of reception of the above word, December 1989, about three years BEFORE the Toronto phenomenon manifested itself. The two words that follow were received at the time when the “laughing like a clown and dancing like a marionette” were well under way at Toronto.]
Reaction to the Deception
Why are you so surprised at what is happening, my children?
Does it not say in my word that in the last days
false prophets and false christs (anointed ones) will come in my name and deceive, if possible, even the elect?
This work of deception will be in my hand
As a refining fire to purify, cleanse, and refine my church,
Separating those who love the truth from those who do not.
There are three things that I require of you in this time of testing.
First, be deeply rooted and grounded in my word.
Soak yourselves in my word,
Memorise my word,
Meditate on my word,
And confess my word.
This is your greatest protection.
Second, pray with great love and compassion
For those who are being deceived,
Pray that my purposes in their lives
Will be fulfilled and not hindered by this work of the enemy.
Third, and most difficult,
Warn those who are being deceived.
Many will turn away from you,
But I will strengthen you and give you boldness and courage
And put words in your mouth.
My hand of blessing and favour will be upon you.
Above all, do not be discouraged but rejoice for my coming is very close.
Time to Move Out
The lights are going out in many local churches
Where my name was at one time honoured.
Many of these churches will be plunged into confusion and darkness,
Ready to embrace any revelation that comes from men
Known for their world-wide ministries.
Many of them that come are not sent by me.
They are false teachers and false prophets
Ready to bring together many followers.
For those who love and honour my name
The time is coming when I have to say with great sorrow and heartache
“Come out from among them,
Even from those you deeply love,
For they are desirous of heaping up their own teachers
And they are not willing to embrace my true and unadulterated word.”
Many wish to prostitute themselves for something that appears good and real,
But what they experience does not come from me,
But from the evil one
Who is being allowed to send demonic gifts and ministries.
It is because many look for signs and wonders as validation of a ministry,
Rather than to men who come with my pure unadulterated word.
To those of you who are faithful –
Do not be afraid when I say to you
“Come out of where you are,”
Because I am preparing homes of refuge for you to be part of what is real.
I will hide you in those places for a time
To nurture you and strengthen you.
You will be part of my true witnessing church in these last days.