February 1980
The Time of Purification and Judgement
on the Church
The Lord God says, Hear my word.
The time that has been marked by my blessings and gifts
is now being replaced by the period
to be marked by my judgment and purification.
What I have not accomplished by blessings and gifts,
I will accomplish by judgment and purification.
My people, my Church, is desperately in need of this judgment.
They have continued in an adulterous relationship with the spirit of the world.
They are not only infected with sin,
but they teach sin,
embrace sin,
dismiss sin.
Their leadership has been unable to handle this.
There is fragmentation and confusion throughout the ranks.
Satan goes where he will and infects whom he will.
He has free access throughout my people – I will not stand for this.
My people specially blessed in this renewal
are more under the spirit of the world
than they are under the Spirit of my baptism.
They are more determined by fear of what others will think of them
fears of failure and rejection in the world,
loss of respect of neighbours and superiors and those around them
than they are determined by fear of me and fear of infidelity to my word.
Therefore your situation is very very weak.
Your power is so limited.
You cannot be considered at this point
in the centre of the battle and the conflict that is going on.
So this time is now come upon all of you,
a time of judgment and of purification.
Sin will be called sin.
Satan will be unmasked.
Fidelity will be held up for what it is and should be.
My faithful servants will be seen and will come together.
They will not be many in number.
It will be a difficult and necessary time.
There will be collapse, difficulties, throughout the world.
But more to the issue,
there will be purification and persecution among my people.
You will have to stand for what you believe.
You will have to choose between the world and me.
You will have to choose what word you will follow,
and whom you will respect.
And in that choice,
what has not been accomplished by the time of blessing and gifts,
will be accomplished.
What has not been accomplished in the baptism and flooding of gifts of my Spirit
will be accomplished in a baptism of fire.
The fire will move among you and it will burn out what is chaff.
The fire will move among you individually,
corporately, in groups, around the world.
I will not tolerate the situation that is going on.
I will not tolerate the mixture
and the adulterous treating of gifts and graces and blessings
with infidelity, sin, and prostitution.
My time is now among you.
What you need to do is come before me in total submission to my word,
in total submission to my plan,
in total submission in this new hour.
What you need to do is to drop those things which are your own,
those things of the past.
What you need to do is to see yourselves
and those for whom you have responsibility
in the light of this hour of judgment and purification.
You need to see them in that way
and do for them what will best help them to stand strong
and be among my faithful servants.
For there will be casualties.
It will not be easy, but it is necessary.
It is necessary that my people be, in fact, my church,
and that my Spirit, in fact, bring forth the purity of life,
the purity and fidelity to the gospel.